Me: Baby, how much should I save, and why? Her: How much? A lot. Why? To make me happy. We each have our own reasons for saving… what are yours? How much should I save, and why? Before we can answer this question, we need to ask another question: What is my time preference? In… [Read More]
Living on the High Seas
How would you like to live on the high seas, in a community of fellow-minded travellers? The oceans are the last uninhabited and unexplored frontier on Earth, and for good reason — living on the seas is not easy, nor is it cheap!. However, recent decades have seen an explosion of cruise-based travel, and more… [Read More]
Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School
Is it possible to become a millionaire, on a teacher’s salary? Teacher and author Andrew Hallam seems to think so, and he shares his lessons in his upcoming book “Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School“. I have always enjoyed reading Andrew’s personal finance and investing advice on his… [Read More]
Future Imperfect: How to Prepare for an Uncertain Future
Sometimes I look back on the changes of the first half of the 20th century, and I try to put myself in the shoes of someone growing up in that time and imagine what it must have been like to experience life in that period. I think back to 100 years ago, which is really… [Read More]
3 Tips for Investing Your Time, Money, and Energy Wisely
The following is a guest post by Charles from CreditDonkey. If you are interested in becoming financially secure and living a life free from excessive debt and financial stress, then you will be interested in learning 3 ways that you can invest your time, money, and energy wisely to attain such a lifestyle. Let’s talk about… [Read More]