Irresponsible and unmindful spending leads to debt. Nowadays, people prefer to use their credit cards in purchasing instead of cash. Because of this, they tend to overspend and abuse the purchasing power their credit cards hold. Only when this unconscious habit has been translated into accumulated credit card notification letters do they realize their overindulgences…. [Read More]
10 Reasons You Are Still Poor
The following is the first staff post by SB; please join me in welcoming him to the site! Poverty is not only a state of being; it is a state of the mind. You are poor because you want to be poor, not because your parents were poor, or because you were born into a… [Read More]
Carnival of Financial Planning – Edition #244 – July 6, 2012
Welcome to the July 6, 2012 Edition #244 of the Carnival of Financial Planning, hosted at Invest It Wisely. The Carnival of Financial Planning takes a long-term view of personal financial planning for individuals and families. We focus on efficient and sustainable personal financial planning practices that can lead to lifetime financial security. This edition is… [Read More]
Zen Personal Finance: My Philosphy, and What It Means to Invest It Wisely
What is “zen personal finance”? Is it a new-age thing? Is it a type of meditation? Is it a new way of looking at our personal finances? It might be none of those things, or it might be all of those things and more! Now that I’ve been out on my own for a while,… [Read More]
5 Ways to Help Your Kids With Their Finances
This is a post by David Bakke, father of a young son, and contributor for Money Crashers Personal Finance, a blog focused on sharing tips on money management, investing, retirement, and more. My parents did their best to make sure that I knew the value of a dollar and how to spend my money wisely…. [Read More]
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