Irresponsible and unmindful spending leads to debt. Nowadays, people prefer to use their credit cards in purchasing instead of cash. Because of this, they tend to overspend and abuse the purchasing power their credit cards hold. Only when this unconscious habit has been translated into accumulated credit card notification letters do they realize their overindulgences…. [Read More]
The 6 Most Common Financial Mistakes People Make
We all make mistakes, right? It’s often said that the good thing about making mistakes is the lessons you learn from them. But what if you don’t know what you’re doing is a mistake? How can you learn from something you never realized was a mistake? Sometimes, we realize the mistake in time to change… [Read More]
10 Reasons You Are Still Poor
The following is the first staff post by SB; please join me in welcoming him to the site! Poverty is not only a state of being; it is a state of the mind. You are poor because you want to be poor, not because your parents were poor, or because you were born into a… [Read More]
Olympic Reading for your Week
Olympics, genetic engineering and the future So the Olympics is here again! My girlfriend is enamored with the divers and swimmers, and after seeing their physiques, I can see why! The scandals have also started, with accusations of drug usage and heightened emotions as countries vie for the gold medal. I admire the high points of… [Read More]
Happy Canada Day Weekend Reading!
Happy Canada Day! The weather is good, though I feel for those lower down on the east coast. Thunderstorms and temperatures of 40°C, before humidity? Stay safe, guys! Here are my most recent posts of the past couple of weeks: Zen Personal Finance: My Philosphy, and What It Means to Invest It Wisely How Much… [Read More]
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