The following is a guest post by new Yakezie challenger Finance Wand. The new year has recently passed, with lots of hope for all of us. We all have gone through financial stress for the last few years and now it is the best time to think about your financial fitness for the year 2012…. [Read More]
Five Financial Conversations to Have Before You Get Married
Erika from Newlyweds on a Budget blogs about love and money, and managing finances as a semi-newlywed. My husband and I dated for just three months before we got married. Our conversation about finances before we got married can pretty much be summed up like this: Me: So I make this much and you make… [Read More]
The 3 Stages of Financial Despair
The road to financial independence isn’t always smooth and straight. There can be stumbling blocks along the way, and it’s also possible to end up on the road to financial despair. How do you know if you are on the right road? What are the three stages of financial despair? Neutral stage The neutral stage… [Read More]
What Debts and Bills Should You Pay First If You Run out of Money?
The following is a guest post by Frank Collins. Most people run into financial difficulty at one time or another, when the money they have just does not stretch far enough to pay for all of the bills and expenses. Unfortunately, there is a tendency for these difficult times to snowball especially during more difficult… [Read More]
Can Credit Cards Grow Your Wealth?
The following is a guest post. In the mission to attain financial independence, you must consider every aspect and road to your goal. You have constantly evaluate your financial position, and any adjustments you need to make along the way. The trick is to be dedicated to your goal as well as remain flexible to… [Read More]