With interest rates so low right now, it seems like a great time to buy a house. And it can be, but you need to make sure that you are aware of everything you can be going in. This means really being sure that the house is for you, even beyond the open house. You… [Read More]
401k Loan or Withdrawal? The Pros and Cons
Times have been tough in the past few years. Unemployment has been high, home prices have fallen, and it has been harder to qualify for loans with reasonable interest rates. If you have high interest credit card debt, need to cover a major medical expense, or make a large purchase, using money in your 401k… [Read More]
Home Loan Comparison Services Save You Time and Money
Are you a home owner who has recently undergone a life change? If you have recently married, had children, completed a home renovation or are looking to undergo a home renovation, or noticed that current interest rates are lower than they were when you took out your original mortgage, you may want to consider refinancing…. [Read More]
What’s the Right Mortgage for Me?
Picking the mortgage that you are going to run with is a big decision whether you are moving home or a first-time buyer, so doing your homework is key. Knowing what is right for you is something that can only be decided by people who know your circumstances and background. Whether you’re looking at the… [Read More]
5 Tips for Your Personal Finance in 2012
The following is a guest post by new Yakezie challenger Finance Wand. The new year has recently passed, with lots of hope for all of us. We all have gone through financial stress for the last few years and now it is the best time to think about your financial fitness for the year 2012…. [Read More]