Once you’ve graduated college and started your career, it might be tempting to spend money irresponsibly as you begin decorating a house or celebrating your success with fancy gadgets or vacations. Unfortunately, foolish spending can lead to a lifelong problem if you aren’t careful, so it’s best not to start. The following tips can help… [Read More]
Financial Tips for Saving on Caravan Loans
Recreational vehicles (RVs) are gaining ground in many countries as adventurous vacationers discover the flexibility and freedom of taking a caravan holiday on the open road. The comfort of familiarity is an added bonus since your RV is your own house on the move, the sum of transportation and accommodation all in one. A Caravan… [Read More]
How To Employ Practical Spending To Avoid Debt
Irresponsible and unmindful spending leads to debt. Nowadays, people prefer to use their credit cards in purchasing instead of cash. Because of this, they tend to overspend and abuse the purchasing power their credit cards hold. Only when this unconscious habit has been translated into accumulated credit card notification letters do they realize their overindulgences…. [Read More]
How to Boost Your Income to Deal with Debt
If you’re in debt and are drowning in bills and demands, there are two important things you need to do. The first is to find ways to reduce your outgoings – which may involve asking yourself if you are packing the right credit card – in order to save money to put towards clearing your… [Read More]
Our Bid for Financial Freedom by Age 50
The following is a staff post by Crystal Stemberger. Financial freedom has been my ultimate goal since I started college in 2001. That was when I thought I’d be working in a white collar cubicle for 30-35 years, and be able to fall back on a nice pension when I decided to retire. By the… [Read More]