Welcome to December, everyone! 🙂 As we draw nearer to Christmas, the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, and the snow starts to stick to the ground. In some ways, the lengthening nights can be a bit depressing, as it starts to get dark before 4 p.m. However, I’m also reminded of warm,… [Read More]
Investing It Wisely: What is It All About?
It’s been a little more than four months since I started out on this blogging adventure. I’ve enjoyed interacting with my fellow readers, joined a great community of bloggers, and I’ve learned a lot along the way. It’s time to revisit the original premise of this blog and see what it’s all about. In life,… [Read More]
The Joy (And Folly) of Emotions
Ah, emotions… the spice of life; they are the medium by which we experience joy and happiness, motivation, fulfillment, and self-actualization. They push us along toward our goals, and serve as a check and balance on our behavior. I see emotions as a sort of yin-yang relationship: when they are in balance, we can perform optimally…. [Read More]
Expected Value
I was first introduced to the game of poker three to four years ago, when I played a friendly game with my girlfriend’s family. It was the first time I had ever played, so I was pretty lost. I played again with some friends a short while later, and there was one guy there who… [Read More]