Some of you are probably wondering how I am going to be generating money, now that I am out on my own! I put a lot of thought into this since before I decided to leave a sinking ship, but the world always changes and plans change, too. Here is where I am currently looking… [Read More]
Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Freelancer: Preparing Yourself
Why would you want to become a freelancer? I recently read the post “Why You Can’t Freelance Or Blog Full-Time“, by Sandy of Yes, I Am Cheap. She had recently quit her job and was considering blogging full-time, but ultimately decided against it. Amongst some of her reasons was the high levels of tax that… [Read More]
An Archive of the Lost Comments from Guest Commentators
I have now switched back to WordPress comments from LiveFyre (see Weekend Reading: Snow Storm Edition to learn more); unfortunately, some of the comments have been lost along the way. A nasty bug in LiveFyre prevented these comments from getting posted back, and I cannot seem to resync them. LiveFyre’s support has been great, and I have nothing… [Read More]