Speeding tickets. Late fees. Credit card interest. Overdraft fees. All of these are fees that no one should pay. They result from being careless, disorganized, impulsive or distracted. These fees you should definitely never pay and if you do, well there’s a name for those fees. Dave Ramsey coined the term, “stupid tax,” just for… [Read More]
Providing Healthy Food Choices for Your Children
Shopping for delicious food is extremely easy given the wide array of choices available to us. Today’s grocery stores are chocked full of tasty treats, snacks, and meals. However, selecting unhealthy options is far too easy, even when we think we are buying health foods. Our full schedules and rushed lives makes it difficult to… [Read More]
You Can Avoid Living Paycheck to Paycheck
Hoping with crossed fingers that the check you wrote doesn’t come through your account before you can make a deposit. Driving your car until its comfortably on “E” and hoping you can get to work just one more time before you have the money to fill up. Eating stale crackers and a 2 year old can of… [Read More]
How to Raise Happy, Healthy Children
The goal of every parent is to raise a happy, healthy child. We all want them to be as active as possible, eat the healthiest of foods and become comfortable in social situations. How do we ensure that our children are eating enough vegetables? How do we make sure they are spending enough quality time… [Read More]
Consider All Your Options Before Relocating
The following staff post is by Jessica Streit. In an economy such as what the United States is currently going through it can be very easy to see greener grass in other cities. In fact, in a 2010 survey, it was found that nearly 25% of people looking for employment have considered relocating to an… [Read More]