When a brilliant idea hits the market, the reaction I love hearing most is, “Wow, that was my idea!” I hear this all the time from people as if they’re insulted or downright hurt that someone else has the audacity to make money off their thoughts. Think back to the ideas you had that you later found out someone else was profiting from. It should have been you, right? Well, to everyone out there that has endured these moments – you should have put your money where your mouth is.
Instavest is a stock investing platform that requires lead investors (those making investments and posting investment ideas) to do exactly that. The concept is unique in that it limits one’s ability to share an investment idea only if the individual has invested in it on Instavest – literally requiring the lead investor to put their money where their mouth is. This favorably aligns incentives between lead investors and co-investors by not paying people simply to post an idea, but rather only when the co-investors make money off the rationale. Once the co-investor has exited his/her position, they can gift the lead investor a portion of their profits to thank and incentivize the lead investor to continue sharing future winning investments on the platform.
Unless you’re investing on a full time basis, chances are you aren’t watching the market like a hawk. How is the busy professional, average investor, or beginner supposed to know when to buy more, trim, or liquidate their position? The time requirement involved with managing stock investments properly is simply too great to manage. Instavest alleviates that by allowing co-investors to piggyback off of the research conducted by the lead investor. It also notifies co-investors of the lead investors activity (buy more or sell) and creates a sense of community built among trusted friends and like-minded individuals that are all willing to back their opinions with their own dollars.
There is an inherent risk associated with investing in individual stocks, this we know. There are also matters of trust, reliability, performance history, and cost that come into play. However, providing the general public access to investment research typically reserved for the Top 1% where the manager has “skin in the game” not only brings a favorable alignment of incentives, but also creates the basis for an investment platform built on transparency and community based principles. Our mission is to drastically empower the individual investor. If this resonates with you, sign up with Instavest.