I suppose that everyone has already heard of Google’s automated cars that can drive themselves, with minimal human intervention? It might already be old news, but I find this very, very cool. I am amazed every time I sit in a car that I am basically in command of a dangerous 4000 pound piece of… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Halloween Edition
Here are my posts of the week: Three Lessons Learned from Observing Monkeys – This is a post that was inspired by First Gen American. Victim of DDOS Attack – No damage done, but the site was unavailable for some time! Book Review: Economics In One Lesson – A highly recommended read. How You Can… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Six-Month Anniversary Edition
This week, my six-month giveaway contest came to a close, and I contacted the winners. I will announce them on the site as soon as I have received a confirmation from everyone. I had a decent response rate, although a few entries had to be disqualified due to invalid email addresses and similar problems! After… [Read More]
The Rising Chinese
China is an interesting country; the Chinese civilization has endured the test of time, and they have called “China” home for thousands of years. In recent times, they have gotten some bad press. A few decades ago, the bad press was about the atrocities and mass starvation which killed tens of millions during the peak… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Camping Weekend Edition + A List of WordPress Plugins That I Use
Here is your weekend reading: Site Changes I’ve recently added a popular posts plugin, which shows the 5 most popular posts along the right sidebar. Since the statistics only started being collected as of yesterday, the rankings are biased in favor of the most recent posts. I’ve also added a top commentators plugin. I’m displaying… [Read More]