The Great Credit Contraction The Great Credit Contraction is a book by Trace Mayer, J.D. which covers the credit contraction of our times, in the face of quantitative easing and ongoing efforts to reflate. This book gets straight to the point, which can be a little intimidating at first glance. The book deals with the… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Robot Cars Edition
I suppose that everyone has already heard of Google’s automated cars that can drive themselves, with minimal human intervention? It might already be old news, but I find this very, very cool. I am amazed every time I sit in a car that I am basically in command of a dangerous 4000 pound piece of… [Read More]
The Great Credit Contraction And How To Use Gold As Money
The following is a guest post by Trace Mayer, J.D. an entrepreneur, investor, journalist and monetary scientist with degrees in accounting and law who understands economics and can help you understand monetary science and economic law at Run To Gold and how to control your personal privacy at How To Vanish. A couple days ago Kevin… [Read More]
Stimulate the Economy by Breaking Stuff?
The video originally comes from the Mises University, and I last saw it at The Daily Capitalist. You can read an article by Frédéric Bastiat on the broken window fallacy at the Mises Economics Blog. “Claude Frédéric Bastiat was a French economist, legislator, and writer who championed private property, free markets, and limited government.”[1]
Canada Day Weekend Reading: The Economy
Happy Canada Day weekend! In today’s weekend reading, I highlight posts that focus on the economy and investing, with a couple extra posts thrown in for good measure! Here it is: