Irresponsible and unmindful spending leads to debt. Nowadays, people prefer to use their credit cards in purchasing instead of cash. Because of this, they tend to overspend and abuse the purchasing power their credit cards hold. Only when this unconscious habit has been translated into accumulated credit card notification letters do they realize their overindulgences…. [Read More]
5 Tips for Your Personal Finance in 2012
The following is a guest post by new Yakezie challenger Finance Wand. The new year has recently passed, with lots of hope for all of us. We all have gone through financial stress for the last few years and now it is the best time to think about your financial fitness for the year 2012…. [Read More]
Gold Versus Fiat and the Mother of All Bubbles
The price of gold has recently been shooting through the roof. As of the time of this writing gold is hovering near $1870. It seems like only a short while ago when I was wondering if $1500 was near. What’s going on with the price of gold? Is this the beginning of a mania phase… [Read More]
How Much Should I Save, and Why?
Me: Baby, how much should I save, and why? Her: How much? A lot. Why? To make me happy. We each have our own reasons for saving… what are yours? How much should I save, and why? Before we can answer this question, we need to ask another question: What is my time preference? In… [Read More]
What Are The Best Gas Credit Cards For 2011?
The following guest post was written by Michael, who is the founder of Credit Card Forum. Near the end of 2010, the former President of Shell Oil predicted that U.S. gas prices could reach $5 per gallon by 2012. A lot of industry analysts are making similar predictions due to the economic recovery and surging… [Read More]
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