“This offer is available TODAY only; you’d better hurry while it lasts!” “Normally I would charge much higher than this, but for you only, I’m making you a special offer that you can’t refuse.” “You would be stupid to turn down such a good deal.” Do these slogans sound familiar to you? If so, then… [Read More]
Should I Go with a Fixed or Variable Rate Mortgage?
As some of you might know, we recently made the decision to purchase a condominium. As the unit is still under construction, we won’t be able to move in until sometime in January. The long period of delivery posed a problem when attempting to get a mortgage approval from traditional places such as ING Direct,… [Read More]
How to Use Fear to Manipulate People
What is fear? Why do we experience fear, and how does it affect us? Well, fear is quite simply one of the most basic and primal emotions that we are capable of experiencing. Most animals share this emotion with us, from mice to men. Fear is the drive that takes us away from danger, and… [Read More]
The Joy (And Folly) of Emotions
Ah, emotions… the spice of life; they are the medium by which we experience joy and happiness, motivation, fulfillment, and self-actualization. They push us along toward our goals, and serve as a check and balance on our behavior. I see emotions as a sort of yin-yang relationship: when they are in balance, we can perform optimally…. [Read More]
What to do… what to do… when Mr. Market is grouchy?
I recently sold off a good chunk of my precious metals at the market peak, and with the recent market turmoil that doesn’t seem like it was such a bad decision. However, I am in a bit of a dilemma: I have a downpayment to pay, and I have a choice to draw on mutual… [Read More]