If you own a small business, you may not have a lot of cash for advertising, especially if the business is new. Ironically, new businesses might need the most advertising, but they usually have the least amount of money to use on advertising. However, thanks to the Internet and your own social skills, there are plenty of… [Read More]
You’ve Just Registered a Canadian Corporation: What’s Next?
In my last post on this topic, I previously discussed how to form a new Canadian corporation. In this post, I’ll go into a little more detail on what happens once you’ve incorporated, and the rights and duties of the three main groups of the corporate structure: shareholders, directors, and officers. Before we get started,… [Read More]
How to Register a Canadian Corporation
Have you ever wanted to start your own business? If you are based in Canada, then you should seriously look at incorporating under federal law. It’s incredibly easy to register a new corporation, and you don’t even need to go through a lawyer. File online, and you’ll be incorporated by the next day! Before we… [Read More]
Two Months of Entrepreneurship: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Some of you have been waiting for it, and here it is! I left a sinking ship a couple of months ago, and I have been sailing away in my own direction since then. Has it been easy? Nope. Has it been challenging? Yep. Has it been fun? Hell yes! That’s not to say that… [Read More]