[We recently experienced a complete data loss on Invest It Wisely, wiping out our posts and recent comments; we apologize if your comment was lost, and also for the multiple reposts! Thankfully, Code Garage and WP-DBManager saved our butts and we were able to recover data from February 1st. If you run a WordPress site… [Read More]
Freelancing Revenue Report: My First Three Months in the Trenches
I’m now in my fifth month of entrepreneurship, and things are going well so far. I’m really happy with some areas, and not too happy with some other areas. Well, life is a learning experience, right? First, a summary of what I’m happy with, and where I need to improve things: The good stuff I’m… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Hawaii Edition
Hi everyone, Hope you all’ve been enjoying the summer back home and the improving weather! It’s been a while since I did a wrap and an update, so I want to give you guys a quick update. I know it’s not the weekend, yet, but I wanted to share my news. RECENT POSTS
Things You Need to Know Before Becoming a Freelancer: How Much Do You Need To Earn?
What is your opportunity cost? In my last post in this series, I talked about becoming a freelancer, and some of the things we have to consider. Why would someone become a freelancer? Is it feasible for someone of average means? How much money do you need to survive? Another important point to consider is… [Read More]
Two Months of Entrepreneurship: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Some of you have been waiting for it, and here it is! I left a sinking ship a couple of months ago, and I have been sailing away in my own direction since then. Has it been easy? Nope. Has it been challenging? Yep. Has it been fun? Hell yes! That’s not to say that… [Read More]