The following guest post is by Kevin Fleming of CreditShout. Rewards credit cards look like a great deal on paper. Who doesn’t want to earn points for purchases? Who doesn’t want to get money back from their credit card? It all sounds good, and for some people, it is. But the truth behind rewards credit… [Read More]
What Are Backlinks, and Why Are They Important?
What is a back link? If you have ever worked on your own blog or website, then you are probably familiar with the term. However, with all of the buzz around SEO (search engine optimization), back links have taken on a somewhat esoteric and confusing tone. In this post, I want to explore what back… [Read More]
How I Almost Got Scammed: Lessons Learned from Trouble in “Paradise”
Enjoying Southeast Asia Last winter, me and the girlfriend went on a one month tour of Southeast Asia. It was a fantastic trip, and the countries we visited were very beautiful; we stopped by Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Taiwan. We took in a lot of sights, ate many different types of food, and took in… [Read More]
How Mutual Funds Rip You Off with Extra Fees and Charges
In my last post, I showed how index funds allow you to save more money by losing less of your investment returns to management fees. Here is what different management expense ratio (MER) levels will cost you on an initial $10,000 investment at 10% growth compounded annually:
Save More Money with Indexed Funds
In my short investment journey, I have read books, articles, and blog posts about the merits of index funds. “Invest in index funds”, they say, “and stop wasting your money on management fees!” Are the authors really telling the truth? Passive investing The idea behind an index fund is simple enough: all it does is… [Read More]