Invest It Wisely will be on holiday until 2012. I am grateful to all of my readers and commentators, and I wish each of you and your families a very merry Christmas and happy holidays! There is also still a day left to enter the $300 Christmas charity giveaway, so don’t miss out! Things I… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Christmas is Coming Edition
So Christmas is coming; are you excited? I am! Christmas means holidays, spending time with family and friends, and good, hearty meals! It also means a new year is coming, which signals change, renewed growth, and a new hope. Here were my posts of the week: The 3 Stages of Financial Despair Finding The Right… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Thanksgiving Weekend Edition
Happy Thanksgiving Weekend, everyone! No holidays or celebrations up here in Canada, just the cold weather, but my classes will be over very shortly and I have vacations from work starting a couple of weeks afterwards. That’s definitely something to look forward to and to be grateful for. đŸ™‚ I enjoyed reading up on everyone’s… [Read More]
Happy Thanksgiving!
For my American readers to the south, happy Thanksgiving! (We celebrated it more than a month ago here in Canada, because it is simply too cold at this time of year. There is already snow cover on the ground now.) What are your plans for this Thanksgiving weekend, and Black Friday? I don’t think we… [Read More]