Apparently it’s one of the coldest winters on record for some areas of Europe and the U.S., but it actually feels pretty normal to me up here in Canada. Most days have been warmer than -10C, and although I am not a person that adores the cold, this winter almost feels warm to me, since… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Six-Month Anniversary Edition
This week, my six-month giveaway contest came to a close, and I contacted the winners. I will announce them on the site as soon as I have received a confirmation from everyone. I had a decent response rate, although a few entries had to be disqualified due to invalid email addresses and similar problems! After… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Beginning of Fall Edition
This has been a busy week so far. I started classes which I am taking twice a week after work, and there is quite a bit of homework and study attached. I really don’t remember how I used to mix work and school in the past! Here are my posts over the past week: Learn… [Read More]
The Rising Chinese
China is an interesting country; the Chinese civilization has endured the test of time, and they have called “China” home for thousands of years. In recent times, they have gotten some bad press. A few decades ago, the bad press was about the atrocities and mass starvation which killed tens of millions during the peak… [Read More]
Consumer Ethics and Animals: Where Do You Draw the Line?
Every day, we buy things and go on about our daily lives without thinking too much about the consequences of our actions. We don’t usually put too much weight on our day to day lives, but, unknown and unseen to us, ethical decisions actually play a big part of our daily consumer lives. Do we… [Read More]