Image by gibsonsgolfer via Flickr
We’re barely into the summer yet I’ve had stronger allergies these days than others. I love the sun & heat, but the sneezing and itchy throat is my downfall! I ended up not sleeping too much this week but I think I’ll get used to it, soon.
The summer is a time of sun & heat, but it’s also known as a time where people are relaxing, and serious matters are left for other times. It’s a time for reflection and contemplation, and it’s also a time for… fun! What do you plan to do during the summer doldrums, and what have you reflected on in recent times? My good friend Mich has been calling for Career Advice in Finance, and my girlfriend will be leaving for more than a month in a couple of weeks. It might be the summer doldrums but sometimes things still move fast!
Weekend Reading
- 6 Easy Ways To Get Advertisers For Your Blog or Website (My Multiple Incomes)
- Don’t Get Trapped By Fixed Expenses (Everyday Tips and Thoughts)
- How Much Mortgage Can I Afford? (Canadian Finance Blog)
- How To Decide Whether To Buy Or Rent A Home (Financial Samurai)
- Investing Series – Compound Interest Magic (My University Money)
- Is Holding a Garage Sale Worth it? (Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance)
- The 12 Types of Passive Investors (MoneyMamba)
- Top 5 Best Places to Retire Outside the USA (Life and my Finances)
- Totally Money Blog Carnival – Most Expensive Weddings Edition – June 6th, 2011 (My Personal Finance Journey)
- Trying to Buy local with Babci in Tow (First Gen American)
Thanks for stopping by Invest It Wisely, and hope you enjoyed your weekend.

Thanks for including my site Kevin! You should work on the condo for that month your girlfriend is gone and surprise her when she gets home!
Thanks for the mention Kevin. Hopefully those allergies don’t bother you for too long! I don’t have them, but my much of my family started getting allergies later in life…. I’m afraid!! 😉
Allergies? I’m with you Kevin….I used to suffer from them, big-time. Since moving to Asia, no worries though. But if I come back to Canada in June to visit, I suffer, big time. This summer, we’re sticking around here…and I’ll be back in Canada in November for a month. I haven’t seen snow in more than 8 years, so perhaps I’ll drive up a mountain (or climb one!) to have a look.
Thanks for including my post!
I hate allergies, I have them big time this year. All the spring rain in Ottawa certainly didn’t help issues! 🙁
A series of good articles. Grass and hay really get to me, and the dust blown up from mowing the yard.
Yes, a lot of rain this spring has put my allergies into flux. I know many of my friends that feel the same way. Seems Claritin works great! Haven’t tried Zyrtec, wonder how it rates. 🙂 Thank you!
You’re not alone in your allergies, the worst part is they usually get worse as we hit ragweed season in august!
Thanks for the mention.
Oh no! Good luck with your allergies; both of my roommates are dealing with it, too.
Having allergy is one of those illness that hard to take care of sometimes due to lot of foods to be avoided. Nice reunion for allergy people…