If you are trying to get a loan or a credit card, you might have some serious obstacles in your way if you also have to deal with a judgment. There are many different situations in which you can be given a judgment, such as if you were sued for old debt or have gotten evicted. The thing is, even if you bounce back from these unfortunate events in real life, they stick around on paper and they can do a lot of damage to your credit credibility. That’s why it’s important use sources like Crediful.com to inform yourself on the nature of these aspects of credit and debt.
In this kind of situation, someone trying to obtain a credit card or a loan might feel like they can’t do anything about it, but there is in fact a way out. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, you should know that it is possible to get around the circumstances. You can in fact have the judgment removed prior to the end date so that you can regain some credibility for loan and credit card requests.
What defines a judgment?
Before we get started on how you can remove a judgment, it is important to make sure that everybody is on the same page and that we’re clear about what a judgment actually is. So, what is a judgment? A judgment refers to a court ruling that has resulted in the aftermath of a lawsuit. Civil judgments can appear for many reasons on your record, including unpaid debts or the disregard of financial duties.
How do you remove judgments from records?
Keep in mind that this is by no means an easy task and it will require some work. You will need legal assistance to take care of things for you but first you must do your part. The first step in clearing your records of judgments is to turn them from unsatisfied to satisfied. What is the difference, you ask? We’ll get to that in just a moment.
The difference between unsatisfied and satisfied judgments
The difference is pretty straightforward. It implies that the debt that is owed or the subject of the judgment has been settled. For instance, if you are sued over specific debt, you will gain an unsatisfied judgment. However if you pay off that debt, it will turn into a satisfied judgment. Once you have completed this step, you are closer to getting judgments removed entirely from your record.
Why it’s important to remove judgments from records
You might think that all this is a lot of work and there’s no real point in having to boggle your mind with all the numbers and different terms and whatnot. That’s where you are wrong, and we’re going to tell you why. Even though living with a bad credit score looks like something acceptable right now, you will drastically change your opinion once you get rejected in trying to buy things. When trying to make purchases, your credit score will have a big impact on how the whole thing goes. And if your credit score is not that good and your record has judgments on it, you can be pretty certain that you won’t be able to purchase everything you need.
Mrmoneybanks says
Thanks Mich,
Seems to me that the starting point to get a copy of your credit report – it’s free to get.
This way you can start to figure out what’s gone wrong and then begin to tackle it.