So September is almost over and apple picking season is here once again.
Yesterday started out as a gloomy day, but the clouds went away and the sun came out in the afternoon. It was a beautiful day in the mid-20s under a warm sun, which is probably out of character for this time of the year.
I think that fall’s been delayed a bit this year due to the nice warm weather we’ve been having, aside from one week earlier in the month when it dropped near freezing.
The nice warm weather also meant that everyone else decided to come apple-picking, too, and the small two-lane country roads were completely jam-packed with cars. The place we go to time after time must have had hundreds of cars in their huge grass “parking lot”.
As you guys know, I like to pull lessons from just about anything if I think I can write up about it, so here’s what I learned from our nice day of apple picking.
Take the less-explored path
Sometimes there’s only one path open to us, but sometimes we have choices, too; we just choose not to take them because nobody else is. This usually only works if you’re in a town or area where there are other roads to take, but if you’re willing to take a small risk, you can drive through some side streets and eventually end up far ahead of the crowd. It helps to know your overall direction so you don’t get lost in the small turns. The worst that can happen is that you lose a bit of time from your attempt, but often you will not only save time but also see some scenery at the same time.
The good fruit needs to be searched out
When you go apple picking on a nice day with tons of people, you should naturally expect most of the trees to be stripped bare, except for the apples on the ground! We were originally a little disappointed because you need to buy a bag before you can enter the orchard, and we weren’t sure if we were going to be forced to pick from the ground!
A bit of searching and diligence paid off in our case, though. We walked, walked, and kept on walking for probably half a kilometer, until we finally reached a section of the orchard where there were still plenty of apples. These apples were also really sweet; usually the apples are mostly sour which is good for pie-making but leads to a puckered face if you try to eat one.
It’s not just about the size
You would think that the biggest apples would also be the best ones, right? Not always… I was surprised, but I ate 2 or 3 smaller apples while I was there, and they were very sweet and delicious! The big apples were good, too, but it seems to be harder to find one that doesn’t have flaws.
So, reader, what fall activities do you enjoy? I enjoyed the heat, as it’s probably the last warm weekend of the year!

Good for you for growing your own apples. That’s awesome.
For me, I love harvesting my garden in the fall. It is when I get to reap the rewards of my labour. Just yesterday I was grabbing another batch of eggplant, tomatoes and peppers. Not only does the stuff taste awesome but I sure have saved a bunch of money growing it myself.
Oh, I wish I had the space for that! 😉 We go to this area in the country that is full of apple orchards. It’s a really beautiful place but also very busy this time of year since everyone else also wants to go… and although we got these apples from an orchard, they are supposedly organic and they do taste delicious. I like the idea of having your own garden and being able to eat what you grow, but unfortunately the plants baked out on our balcony. :S
I remember picking apples and other fruit in the Fall and berries in the summer. Memories of my youth living in the country as a child.
It definitely beats picking them out at the super-market… and I actually think it might be cheaper, too, though not sure.
My parents used to have a pear tree. I have a small vegetable garden in pots that i am harvesting still. Other than that, I enjoy the cool nights. They make for a nice late night walk through town. 🙂 Sweatshirt weather is nice. Don’t get me wrong, I love summer, but I welcome fall (even though it is really short where I live).
Haha, it’s short over here too. It hasn’t really started yet, but once it goes, it’s over in a month and it’s already snowing!
From where I am, we can pick Rambutans, but not apples. Ever tried them Kevin? Delicious!
What an interesting-looking fruit! I haven’t tried those but will have to someday.
Fun post! You’re making me hungry. I love apples!
To answer your question, in a weird way maybe, I love working outdoors. Even raking the lawn and fall leaves, I enjoy. Maybe some good childhood memories of it; playing, not working that is 🙂
Hi Mark,
As someone who no longer has a backyard, I sometimes miss having a space to stretch out in or run around… fall into leaves, or just sit back. I enjoy the advantages of condo living, too, but I do miss that feeling of having a backyard.