Moskovskoye highway. Consequences of traffic accident. Car of administration of Saint Petersburg was travelling on a wrong line without traffic police escort car (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
With so many more cars on the road today than even twenty years ago, road traffic accident claims are on the increase. The pace of modern living is hectic; our motorways are chock-a-block, and with people in a constant hurry to get from A to B, daily accidents are almost the norm in some parts of the country.
If you are unlucky enough to find yourself involved in a road traffic accident, Modesto personal injury lawyer, Jeffrey Nadrich, recommends that accident victims contact a personal injury lawyer in their area to learn more about their legal options and rights. It’s important to follow strict protocol and do everything by the book. Your insurance company will thank you for it, and if there have been any injuries, it will make your life a lot easier if the case has to go to court. Follow this step by step guide and remember to stay calm and think as clearly as possible.
I’ve been in an accident before, myself, and it helps to try to stay as calm as possible and, if there’s an injury or the damage is extensive, get the assistance of the local police and health services.
Don’t immediately admit liability, you may not be thinking clearly after the accident and it may not in fact be your fault.
Remember, by law, you must stop your vehicle and make yourself available to the driver of the other car.
Call the police immediately so that you can report the case and get the details of the incident down in their notes as quickly as possible.
If anyone has witnessed the accident, ask them if they would mind waiting until the police come along so that they can give their version of events and tell the police what they saw or alternatively provide you with their name and contact details. You may be in a state of shock and may not remember exactly what happened.
You must stay by or near your car until the police arrive and then give them your name, address and the registration number of the vehicle.
If you have a phone on your camera, take as many photos as you can of the damage to the car, any tyre marks on the road etc. They could be crucial in the event of a claim.
Explain what happened as far as you remember it and try and stick to the facts rather than letting your emotions get the better of you. This may be difficult, but it will stand in your favour in the long run.
You will need to exchange insurance information with the driver of the other vehicle and make sure they have contact details for you as well.
If the police have asked you to produce your insurance certificate on the spot but you don’t have it, you will usually have to go to your local police station and show it to them within 24 hours
- Once all the formalities have been adhered to, the case will pass on to the insurance companies. However, if you or a passenger has been injured and the case proves to be a difficult one to resolve, you may have to instruct a solicitor to represent you and ensure that you get the compensation you are entitled to.