With so much happening in the US, right now is an excellent time to start investing. The main question, as always, is where to invest and what companies to choose? Here are the industries and leaders you can invest in now and profit from later.
Major names such as Google and Amazon are pouring money into the robotics programs of America, which is a good indicator you should too. As of this year, there are over 250,000 industrial robots in the world, which is more than double what was just before 2010. With roughly 3 billion dollars invested in robotics programs last year alone, that number is only going to go up.
If you want to get in on this terminator takeover, then invest with Robo-Stox Global Robotics and Automation RTF. You can usually find them listed as ROBO, who exclusively focuses on companies making profits from robotics.
Artificial Intelligence
Speaking of robotics, another rapidly growing trend is AI or the autonomous mind of a computer. Amazon Echo and Google Home have already made their way into over 20 million households this year, and companies like Facebook and Microsoft are avidly working on their own versions.
So, who should you invest in? Keep an eye on Google and Microsoft, who have been developing AI such as Google’s Deepmind. Big things are coming, and it’s high time to get in on it.
This industry has been around for a long time, but with the help of technological advances has turned into a new industrial revolution. Prototyping companies are responsible for mass creating the tiniest of parts found in things like hospital equipment, airplanes, and robots. That means their business can only grow with the rise of the first two industries on this list.
Investing in the right place is a matter of which company offers the most forward thinking. The easier they adapt their factories to changing the world, the easier they succeed. Weiss-Aug is one of the top trusted names when it comes to prototyping, and you see why at https://www.weiss-aug.com/prototyping/.
While the country itself isn’t technically an industry, it may very well rival China in the coming years. A new government has led to a new tax system that bounced their economic growth this year to 7%, which beats China by 0.5%. Their equity market index, however, gained 12.4% in just the first half of 2017.
Shoring Equipment
This one might sound off the wall, but companies who offer hydraulic shoring rentals are actually in high demand right now. America has begun to look inwards for oil, meaning digging companies are going to need shoring equipment when digging new pipelines. Considering how many workers can fit inside of these miles long trenches at a time, companies rely on them to keep their employees safe.
Who should you invest in? A quick Google search can pull up a couple of companies that create these products. They will all get used by different construction companies, but the closer an equipment distributor is to the next underground oil reserve, the better.