Image via CrunchBase
The heat of last week is gone, the cold has returned, and Canada’s government passed their new budget. I will cover in more detail on Financial God in a post this coming Monday.
So my 2nd blogversary passed by this Thursday, and I’m celebrating with a new iPad giveaway, plus other great prizes! There’s over $1200 in prizes to be given away in all.
Celebrate two years with me, read my thoughts, and enter the giveaway! 🙂
A great big thank you goes to my very generous sponsors, who kindly helped make this giveaway possible! Here are some great posts that I recommend you go over and read:
- Simply Investing:Â Are you thinking about investing, but never get around it?
- Stock Trend Investing: Why You Need a Roth IRA
- Prairie EcoThrifter: What Buddhism Teaches Us About Personal Finance
- Sustainable Personal Finance:Â What Games Taught me About Life and Finances
- Young & Thrifty:Â 9 Reasons Why I Deactivated Facebook
- Budgeting in the Fun Stuff:Â Yes, I am a Hunger Games Fan
- Cents to Save:Â Debt SnowFlake Challenge Week 11
- My Personal Finance Journey:Â The Best Financial Calculators Government and Academia Provide
- Yes, I Am Cheap:Â Nine Tax Deductions That Prostitutes Can Claim
- Squirrelers:Â Cognitive Dissonance and Money
- Edward Antrobus:Â 10 Useful Tools for Mobile Blogging
Jai Catalano did this very cool feature of Invest It Wisely over at this site:Â Take A Red Pill & Invest It Wisely.
Here are the recent posts at Invest It Wisely:
- Two Years of Blogging: My Thoughts, and an iPad 3 (The “New Ipad”) Giveaway + Other Great Prizes!
- The Dangers of Over Diversification
Weekend Reading
Editor’s picks
- 3 Easy Steps to Get Physically and Financially Fit — I just love how health and personal finance is tied together in this post.
- Take a stand against bullying — I think that bullying is a natural animalistic behavior (animals do it to each other all the time), but why do we let kids behave like animals? Why isn’t it taken more seriously? Worse, what happens when adults become the bullies? What can kids do in that case? I loved this post by Jana.
- The Yakezie Value Proposition — What makes the Yakezie great? The fact that the Yakezie exists in all of us. The Yakezie isn’t a single website, nor a single person: it’s a code of values which anyone can live by.
- A Labor Shortage? Surely You Can’t be Serious…
- Apple-Bashing: Since When Is a 60 Hour Work-Week Abusive?
- $39K in Dividend The Power of Dividend Growth
- A Look at Apple’s New Dividend
- Active investing or passive investing – Which is better?
- How To Spot Emotionally Invested Shareholders
- iShares 2011 Tracking Errors
- Man Can’t Invest By Yield Alone
- Why Dividend Investing?
- You opened a Roth IRA, now what? How do you actually start investing to make Roth work its magic?
- 3 Types of Cell Phone Users – Which one are you?
- 5 Awesome Things About Living Car-Free
- 5 Ways to Make your Dreams come True
- Are You Proactive or Reactive?
- Are You Ready for a Change?
- Babci Story: Surviving on Milk Soup
- How Not To Move Back In With Your Parents
- iPhone Apps: Be Frugal Without Looking Like a Dork
- Living Like a King in Bangkok
- My Mother Was a Mail-Order Bride
- Preparing to become a Pet Owner
- Taking Care of Clothes
- The Penny-Pinching Perks of Growing Rosemary
Personal Finance
- Best Cash Back Credit Cards, March 2012
- Can Frugality Trump Honesty?
- Could it be Worth it to Spend More Money?
- Financial Warning Signs
- How to define Wealth?
- Passive Income will lead to Financial Independence
- Pay yourself first means bill payments to Us Inc.
- Ten Vacation Ideas That Don’t Have to Cost a Bundle
- The Easiest Way To Save 3k
- Unconventional Wisdom In Personal Finance
- Which is Better – Term or Permanent Life Insurance? – Part 1
Have a good weekend, all! 🙂

Thanks for the mention Kevin. I appreciate it 🙂
Kevin, thanks for your support and generosity.
Thanks for the mention Kevin! Some great reads in here that I’m going to have to check out.
Thanks for stopping by, guys 🙂
Thanks for the mention Kevin, I really appreciate it!
Great job on your site! I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks, Kanwal, and thanks again for your generous sponsorship! 🙂
Thanks for the mention Kevin. You rock!!
No, you rock for being a generous sponsor and a great fellow blogger! Thanks for helping to make the giveaway possible. 🙂
Thanks for the mention Kevin! Stellar roundup as usual and glad to be a part of it.
Thanks for the mention!
Thanks Mark and MMD 🙂
Thanks for the mention, Kevin!
Np! 🙂