Summer Heat
Another week goes by, as I enjoy the last of the summer heat. Although I will miss the heat, I need my sleep! With a combination of a hot, stuffy apartment and ragweed allergies, I don’t think I’ve gotten more than about 4-5 hours of sleep a night.
Posts of the week
I posted what could be my first controversial post of Invest It Wisely’s history: Consumer Ethics and Animals: Where Do You Draw the Line?. I also gave a look into my own background in the post “Who is Behind Invest It Wisely?“, and I did a quick introduction into the advantages of ETFs versus mutual funds in the post “How to Invest in Vanguard Funds Using ETFs — and Save Money While You’re at It“.
Weekend Reading
- Beating The Index: Why Investing in Oil is Investing in China
- BTI looks at the advantages of investing in oil, and how we can capitalize on the growth of the Chinese economy within the safety and security of the Canadian dollar and market.
- Aspiring Millionaire: Yakezie Challenge Blog Carnival
- Aspiring Millionaire did a great job on the Yakezie Challenge Blog Carnival. Many great articles (including one from yours truly) were included… check it out!
- Top Gear: May and the machine
- Ever wondered with amazement how it is that regular Joes can afford to drive something as complex as a modern car? This is a very interesting look at how we have benefited greatly from free markets and the advance of technology.
- Buy Like Buffett: Why Your Grandparents Made More Money In The 70’s Than You Make Now
- Does it ever seem like your money doesn’t go as far as it used to? Does it seem harder to afford the basic necessities of life than it was for your parents? Buy Like Buffett takes a look, and I offer an interesting counterpoint in the comments section.
- The Daily Capitalist: Good is Bad, Bad is Good
- This is an interesting look on how people are criticized by mainstream economists for saving their money, practicing frugality, and refusing to go further into debt to maintain a consumerist lifestyle.
- Singularity Hub: Who Owns You? 20% of the Genes in Your Body are Patented
- Yet another reason why patents are a joke… except there is nothing funny about what these companies, through the long arm of the government, are trying to do.
- Mises Economics Blog: Social Insecurity
- Is Social Security a ripoff for the young amongst us?
- The Biz of Life: Who’d Have Thunk It: Expense Ratios Better Predictor of Future Performance Than Morningstar Ratings
- Turns out that one of the best ways to compare funds might just be to take a look at the MERs!
- Andrew Hallam: Do You Want to Beat the Market?
- Andrew Hallam considers the possibility of delivering a knock-out punch to the market, along with strategies in evading a pack of hungry boars…
- Faithful With A Few: Thoughts About Marriage on Our Anniversary
- This is an inspiring story of true wealth, and a great story of a man’s devotion to his wife and family.
- Juxtapoz: Dollar Origami Creator also Lives in Garbage Truck
- This is a pretty neat garbage truck that’s been converted into a mobile home!
- My Own Advisor: Our super simple automatic savings plan
- My Own Advisor lays out a super simple strategy for building up your savings nest egg.
- Everyday Tips and Thoughts: Should A Family of Four Be Able to Live Off $111,000 Per Year?
- Is $111K a year enough for a family of four to live on and survive? Should they be complaining? Head over to read more about this family and their “dilemma”.
- Wealth Artisan: Why Do New Cars Depreciate Sharply?
- Wealth Artisan looks at some of the reasons why a car loses some 15-20% of its value the moment you drive it off the dealer’s lot…
- Budgeting In the Fun Stuff: Developing a Frugal Food Habit: 4 Tips For Lowering Your Grocery Bill
- This post looks at four different ways you can save money on groceries and lower your food bills.
- Cool to be Frugal: Preparing for a Baby – What Do You Really Need?
- Mrs. Frugal looks at what is really needed for the baby on the way.
- How To Get Girls If You Live At Home With Mom & Dad
- The Financial Samurai takes a hilarious look at the “advantages” of living at home.
- Larry MacDonald: The Great Reflation: J. Anthony Boeckh
- Larry takes an initial look at the book “The Great Reflation”, by J. Anthony Boeckh. The author offers a word of warning for those expecting a return to financial stability and seeking to buy and hold.
- Young & Thrifty: 6 Tips for Buying Organic On the Cheap
- Want to buy organic food, but don’t want to get ripped off in the process of doing so? Y&N has six suggestions to help you out.
Have a great Labour Day weekend, and see you next week.

Thanks for the mention. Loved the video on the heart attack grill… not sure I want to eat there, but interesting marketing approach.
I would try it once… but I don’t think I could down a triple or quadruple bypass. That’s 8000 calories… wtf!
Thanks for including me in your round up this week!
No problem; keep the great articles coming!
Loved your posts this week! (Well, that is true every week now that I think about it.)
Thanks for the inclusion, and have a great holiday weekend!
Thanks, hope you have a great labour day weekend!
Yummmmmmmmm……… love those “heart stopper” videos! Have a great long weeekdn!
Hahaha… with a big dose of lard to go. 😉 Have a great labour day weekend, Sam.
Kevin, thank you so much for including my article among so many great reads!
That is a very interesting approach for a restaurant!
It was a great post; thanks for inspiring me, Khaleef!
Great round up…have a nice Labor Day Weekend.
Thanks, you too!
Thanks for including me Kevin, have a great weekend!
Yep, enjoy the BBQs! 😉
Thanks for the link love and for a list of weekend reading material. 🙂
Thanks for including my link as well, and have a great weekend!
Thanks for the link love.
Haha! That’s an awesome video you have there.
I want a Quadruple Bypass burger to go please!
I like how he said “No, the American Medical Association doesn’t recognize me as a doctor”.
Haha, I liked that part, too! It seems like such a ridiculous concept for a restaurant, but I wouldn’t mind trying it once in my life…
I enjoyed the ethics post very much…. More that please :). Disagreements and discussion can really fuel a blog post to get endless comments.
Glad you enjoyed it! I was surprised at how civil the comments were! 😉