There are so many great giveaways going on right now, including one here at Invest It Wisely for three copies of “In Defense of Food”, by Michael Pollan! It’s also Family History month; see below for an interesting graphic that was sent to me by the team at Archives.
Weekend Reading
- Aroway Energy: A Rising Junior Oil Company in Alberta’s Hot Peace River Arch Area (Beating the Index)
- Advanced Monetization Strategies (Wise Bread)
- How to Ace That Interview (krantcents)
- Irony: Professor That Tried to Kill My Career Wants to Connect on LinkedIn (Darwin’s Money)
- Canadian Finance Carnival #57 (Canadian Finance Blog)
- The Carnival Of Financial Camaraderie #2 (My University Money)
- Yakezie Carnival – October 9th, 2011 Edition (Faithful With A Few)
- Can Taxes Kill? (101 Centavos)
- Did Americans Get Poorer or is USA Today Wrong? (Roshawn Watson)
- How the Bank Bailouts Reduce Our Standard of Living (Pragmatic Capitalism)
- Revolt Against the Fed (The Burning Platform)
- $205 Giveaway – Community and Charity 10% Monthly Blog Income Give Back # 1 – October 2011 (My Personal Finance Journey)
- Amsterdam Printing Giveaway – Win 50 Personalized Pens To Promote Your Business or Organization (Maximizing Money)
- Couple Money’s 2nd Anniversary Giveaway (Couple Money)
- Mango Languages, Kindle Fire, Buck Inspire, Retire By 40, Blogoversary Giveaway! (Buck Inspire)
- October Giveaway – $25 Amazon Gift Card (Money is the Root)
- The Penny Hoarder’s Hallo(Wii)n Giveaway (The Penny Hoarder)
- Thousandaire is Giving Away $683.90 Worth of Prizes! (Thousandaire)
- Win a Kindle Fire, Mango Software, and other great prizes in our October giveaway! (Retire by 40)
- Dear America, I Bet You Buy More Cars Soon (Money Mamba)
- Some other reasons why I invest in dividend-paying stocks (My Own Advisor)
- Can I Retire? Review (Couple Money)
- Classic Children’s Toys (Sustainable Personal Finance)
Personal Finance
- Estate Taxes: Do You Care? (Dr. Dean)
- Where Do You Hide Your Gold? (Daily Capitalist)
Family History Month
Thank you for the continued comments and feedback, and hope you all had a great weekend. 🙂

Thanks for the link, I am in good company.
Amazing graphs. Belize had the highest increase of immigrants? Who would have thought? Thanks for the mention!
Interesting changes in immigration. Will definitely affect public policy over time.
Thanks for the llink!
Thanks for the mention Kevin. What an interesting graph on immigration, especially with China. I guess people are immigrating to China for the jobs since they are the world factory 🙂
I was curious about that one, too!
I live in the border state of NM. I love the rich border history. Several towns got up and moved across the river (back into Mexico) when their towns ‘became’ part of the US. Heard of Laredo, Texas? There’s also a Nuevo (new) Laredo, Mexico!
We have a flush of legal and illegal immigrants coming into NM from Arizona because of the anti-immigration legislation. The Arizona police can legally ask you to provide a passport to prove your country of origin even though you are a US citizen. Something as simple as a traffic stop they can request this information and you are required to provide it then and there! This is the only state where it is legal for police to request this type of information. My daughter (who is 1/2 Mexican) is worried I will forget her passport when we go into Arizona!
The anti-immigration laws are absolutely nuts, if you don’t mind my saying so. That reminds me of the situation in East Germany when the Berlin Wall was up, or other such scenarios. Also, what do you think of Operation “Fast and Furious”?
Thanks for the mention! Wow, great visual about immigration.
Will definitely tweet!
Looking forward to your posts this week!
Thanks for the link, Kevin.
Thanks for the comments, everyone!