Image by Getty Images via @daylife
The temperature will be dipping to -30C overnight (that’s -22F), which is cooooold. Winter reminds me how much more I prefer to be under the hot sun, rather than in the freezing cold. I simply don’t have the body type for the cold!
Nonetheless, I am embarking on my first ski lesson, which I am doing every Sunday for the next couple of months. This will be my winter sporting activity, and hopefully by the end I will be good enough to tackle the slopes with ease. If I don’t turn into an icicle first.
Posts of the week
- 5 Tips for Your Personal Finance in 2012 – A guest post by new Yakezie challenger Finance Wand.
- Book Review and Giveaway Part Three: Millionaire Teacher: The Nine Rules of Wealth You Should Have Learned in School – The third and last part of the review of this great book.
- Why I Am Switching Career Tracks – A guest post by Corey and his plan to retire early, by the age of 27!
Blogosphere happenings
- Sustainable Personal Finance picked Invest It Wisely as one of their best reads of 2011!
- Check out Romeo Clayton’s new book: How We Prevent Wealth.
On to some great weekend reading:
Weekend Reading
- 2012 Personal Finance New Year’s Resolutions (Young & Thrifty)
- Our Ambitious 2012 Personal Finance and Investing Goals (My Own Advisor)
- DeeThree Exploration: Are Investors Missing the Forest for a Tree? (Beating the Index)
- How NOT to Invest in Water (101 Centavos)
- NAL Energy to Underperform in 2012? (Beating the Index)
- How to Love Cooking (Consumerism Commentary)
- Mouse In Our House (Mike and Molly’s House)
- The Billionaire Beggar (Jai Catalano)
- TLC’s Extreme Cheapskates Is Just For Show (Yes, I Am Cheap)
- Goals Are NEVER Enough: 3 Reasons You MUST Cultivate Your Desires (Roshawn Watson)
- Join Two Challenges for the New Year! (Bucksome Boomer)
Personal Finance
- How to make a budget that works (The Outlier Model)
- I support liberty, not Ron Paul (Elliot Lee)
- If This Bill Passes, Say Goodbye to Free Speech on the Internet (Financial God)
- Media Censorship and Ignorance of Ron Paul (Financial God)
- Canadian Finance Carnival #70 (Canadian Finance Blog)
- Carnival of Financial Planning – Edition #219 – January 13, 2012 (The Skilled Investor)
- Yakezie Carnival : Better late than never edition (Broke Professionals)

Cold snap edition indeed! Woke up this morning, it was -34 Deg. C. in Ottawa with the wind chill.
Ugh. I’m getting to hate winter!
Thanks for the mention, have a great weekend and stay warm!
@My Own Advisor@InvestItWisely Holygeez… that is cold! Maybe we no longer dress for the season though. I was very warm when I was actually dressed for it with the wool socks, long johns, etc… 😉
Cold snap edition indeed! Woke up this morning, it was -34 Deg. C. in Ottawa with the wind chill.
Ugh. I’m getting to hate winter!
Thanks for the mention, have a great weekend and stay warm!
Thanks for the link Kevin! We dip down below 0 degrees occasionally and I can’t stand it! I can’t wait to move to more mild climate even if I have to give up 4 seasons. Have fun skiing!
@mikeandmollyshouse 0C or 0F? 0F is cold, but not as cold as -22F. 😉 Maybe someday when I am older I will go to a warmer clime as I usually don’t like the cold.
@InvestItWisely Fahrenheit!
@mikeandmollyshouse Ah that’s not so bad then. 😛 Though it is when you’re not used to it. I always freeze in the first month or so of cold weather until I get used to it.
That’s bloody cold, it is! On the plus side, icicles slide down ski slopes quite easy. 🙂
Thanks for the include.
@101centavos I slid down a couple times. 😉 It wasn’t that bad with the long johns and Canada socks, though! Only my face was a bit cold on top of the mountain with a bit of wind, but lower down it wasn’t windy and the sun helped, too.
This was a great list of articles to read. Thanks
As far as cold weather goes, the thing is to dress properly. Dress in layers (you want to trap air between the layers, you heat up the trapped air and then the trapped air keeps you warm.) The other thing is to get Norwegian underwear. This is net underwear (it looks like fishing net). It is absolutely great, especially for skiing. You will also not overheat in it when you go inside.
@SPBrunner This is a great idea! I think this is what kept me warm today. I put on some long johns and Canada socks, and I was actually starting to sweat at one point even though the air was -25C. It wasn’t very windy and the sun was out, which was really great.
Such a better experience than just going outside with office clothing on in the same cold weather. 😉
@SPBrunner Something else I really liked is that the clothes kept me really dry! Most of the time I was comfortable, not too warm and not cold at all, but at one point when I was sweating a bit from going up the hill, it breathed really well. My socks were also dry as a bone at the end of the day. Such a better experience compared to when I wore 2 regular socks on each foot, one over the other, and they would end up damp and clammy.
Thanks for the great comment! 🙂
I definitely don’t enjoy it when just walking outside or sitting in a cold car. It actually wasn’t too bad on the slopes; I was surprised!
Thanks, Brian! I think we’ve gotten past the coldest patch here… I hope!
@SPBrunner All those layers saved me! 🙂