Welcome to a haunted carnival of carnivals, rise of the machines edition!
As a mobile software developer, I always marvel at just how powerful these small devices have become, and how much they have woven themselves into our lives. I wonder how us Canadians and our American friends to the south are going to keep up in a competitive global landscape where Asia has more engineers than we do, as well as a better work ethic. The grass isn’t always greener, and Asia does have a problem with crony capitalism just like we do here in the West. We also still have the creativity… for now.
I also wonder how large portions of the population will cope when robots automate more and more of the landscape. Even my job as a software developer will eventually be replaced by a set of intelligent AIs.
Where do we go from there? I don’t really believe in a “rise of the machines” scenario; in fact, I’m more scared of the humans that may benefit disproportionately from such changes. On the other hand, imagine all of the cool possibilities: when you can have giant 3D printers, you can allow for an explosion of the long tail, as the fixed costs of production come down making large capital investments less necessary. I think we live in a very exciting time in world history!
What do you think?
On an unrelated note, it looks like it’s time to say farewell to Balance Junkie. Best of luck in your future adventures, Kim!
Recent posts
- The 6 Most Common Financial Mistakes People Make
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Assent Publishing wanted to share the following blurb with all of you:
In just one hour you can learn economics. You will understand the basics and most importantly, where the line is drawn between economics from politics. Challenge yourself to change America’s economic destiny. The science called ECONOMICS has for centuries mystified mankind because it is. . .(1) BORING! and (2) TECHNICAL! (supposedly). With so much of the world on the verge of bankruptcy and with the spreading of misery which always accompanies financial hurt, it has never been so important for people to have an understanding of basic principles of economics which so directly affect their material well-being.
How to Understand Economics in 1 Hour should be read in one sitting, so allow for a little less than an hour for fast readers, a little more for slow readers. There is NOTHING complicated in this book. No more than grammar school arithmetic is necessary, and only a very little of it is used. Read and understand. Watch the clouds go away; watch the myths disappear. Then you’ll “know”.
On to the monthly reading:
- Do the Amish Pay Taxes?
- How do you kill a financial zombie?
- How I Saved at Least $50,000 by Buying New Furniture
- Powerful Tips to Avoid Debt at an Early Age
- Straight Talk on Debt: What’s on Your Money Mind?
Home Ownership
- 100% of Economists Surveyed Wrong on Treasuries…Building a New Muni Market…A Puerto Rican Surprise..and more!
- Adaptability–Can Machines Master the Market?
- Are you paying too much to invest in the stock market?
- Book Review – The Motley Fool Money Guide
- DRIPs the DRIPpers DRIP – 2012 Edition
- Investing In Fatties, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Obamacare (Part 1)
- Merk Gold Report: Six Reasons to Buy Gold Today
- Finished and Released My First Version of an Android App
- How a teenager snubbed college to build an apps empire
- How to Achieve Lasting Happiness
Canadian PF Happy Hour
- Canadian PF Happy Hour at Canadian Personal Finance
- Canadian PF Happy Hour at Canadian Personal Finance
Carnival of Financial Camaraderie
- Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at Broke-Ass Mommy
- Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at My University Money
- Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at My University Money
- Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at PlantingMoneySeeds
- Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at The University of Money
- Carn. of Financial Camaraderie at Wealthy Turtle
Carnival of Financial Planning
- Carnival of Financial Planning at Green Panda Treehouse
- Carnival of Financial Planning at The Financial Blogger
Carnival of Money Pros
- Carnival of MoneyPros at Making Sense of Cents
- Carnival of MoneyPros at Master the Art of Saving
- Carnival of MoneyPros at My University Money
- Carnival of MoneyPros at The College Investor
- Carnival of MoneyPros at Thirty Six Months
- Carnival of MoneyPros at Vanessa’s Money
- Carnival of MoneyPros at Young and Thrifty
- Carnival of MoneyPros at Young Cheap Living
Carnival of Retirement
- Carnival of Retirement at Club Thrifty
- Carnival of Retirement at Consumer Boomer
- Carnival of Retirement at Finance Product Reviews
- Carnival of Retirement at Making Sense Of Cents
- Carnival of Retirement at Term Life Insurance, Inc
Finance Carnival for Young Adults
- Finance Carn. for Young Adults at 20s Finances
- Finance Carn. for Young Adults at 20s Finances
Reviews for Blog Carnival
- Reviews for Blog Carnival #1
Wealth Artisan’s Financial Carnival
- Wealth Artisan’s FinCarn at Finance Wand
- Wealth Artisan’s FinCarn at Wealth Artisan
- Wealth Artisan’s FinCarn at Wealth Artisan
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Young & Thrifty’s Weekend Ramblings
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Yakezie Carnivals
- Yakezie Carnival at CultOfMoney
- Yakezie Carnival at Earth and Money
- Yakezie Carnival at Finance Product Reviews
- Yakezie Carnival at Financial Management Blog
- Yakezie Carnival at I Am 1 Percent
- Yakezie Carnival at iHeartBudgets
- Yakezie Carnival at Portfolio Princess
- Yakezie Carnival at Stock Trend Investing
See you all next month!

I am excited and threatened at the same time by these machines. I am also programmer and I know how things have developed in the past years. I myself would love to develop robots and such tailored to the needs of people, but I figured it’s not the kind of life I want yet. Right now what I find exciting are the new ideas that people come up with to make things easier, like applications for different purposes. I wouldn’t be surprised if one day, every process that people were once manually doing is automated in the computer.
I am amazed whenever I see my smartphone, because it is so much more high-tech than anything they had in Star Trek! (I mean, minus the whole teleportation and space travel bit). I have no idea where we will go eventually, but I don’t think you could ever truly replace human perception and creativity with an intelligent AI.
I think it will force more people to be a lot more knowledgeable. The only people that will be able to get jobs if more AI happen will be the ones who know how to design, develop, and manage them. Everyone else will be looking for work. Look at how the car manufacturing has changed over the years. It won’t ever be 100% takeover in my opinion.