As we go through it may be clear that some investments are better than others. Investing isn’t just about investing in the stock market. Investing also means investing with time and energy. Energy is neutral, but what we choose to do with it can be helpful or a hindrance for our goals.
Some of the best investments we can make in our lives are our body, our mind and our community, but what does that mean exactly?
Community is a term that can mean different things in different cultures or contexts. Community can be the group of people that you spend the most amount of time with, or people you’ve never met that are part of the chain of bringing food and goods into your lives. They may be across the world and you’ll never meet them, yet they are still part of the global community.
Investing in that community means a number of things. First of all, each one of us must define what community is for us and in what context we are talking about community. When we invest in community, we put our attention toward it and we, in turn, receive a sense of belonging. Psychological scientists have confirmed that this sense of belonging is one of the most important aspects of human culture. Therefore, investing in what community means to you can be a very important aspect of life.
The mind is another place where it is important to invest. Like a muscle, the mind works through continued use. If we want aspects of our mind to be strong, we must utilize them. We often have unconscious thought streams that we are not even aware of throughout our waking and sleeping hours. The more time we spend on understanding ourselves and our minds, the more energy we will free from these unconscious thought streams and be able to apply the power of our mind to useful gains.
Investing in our body seems like a no-brainer, yet in our society, we are not taught to give an adequate investment to the power of our body. The mind and body are one, so if we are having a hard time mentally, we can apply the training of our body to alleviate the suffering.
One way to invest in the body is to keep physically active. There are plenty of gyms available in Boston that will help achieve your goals.
Making smart investments now will lead to rewards in the future. By investing in your community, mind and body, you are creating a healthy future for yourself and all of those you encounter.