I recently had the pleasure of reading “The Art of Non-Conformity“, by Chris Guillebeau. I actually won the book via a book review and giveaway hosted by Dr. Dean at the Yakezie. Thanks Dr. Dean and Chris for giving me the opportunity to read this book!
The premise of the book is simple, yet enticing: “Set your own rules, live the life you want, and change the world”. It sounds quite promising, but does the material of the book live up to the hype?
In this book review, I will be giving you my own personal interpretation and thoughts. This is the type of book that can elicit very different reactions in different people. I started out reading the book with the viewpoint of a cynic, but by the time I had reached the end, I was passionate, and inspired.
The art of non-conformity
Chris Guillebeau is an individual who has decidedly lead an non-conforming life. He has worked for years as a volunteer in Africa, spending time in many different countries and working with many top government officials. He is also a prolific writer and traveller, with the goal of visiting every country on the Earth as well as writing at least 300,000 words a year.
When I first started getting into the book, my initial reaction was on the cynical side. My first thoughts were “Ok, great, but not everyone has the personality or circumstances to just drop everything and do what you did.” It felt a little bit like reading the autobiography of a top Olympic athlete or singer. Anybody can preach from the top, but that doesn’t mean that it’s realistic or applicable for the vast majority of people. I wasn’t sure if I was reading something that would actually be applicable to my own life, or if this was a book only for people like the author and he was preaching to the choir. Chris even has a warning in the beginning that it will take a certain mindset to really appreciate the material.
I took a look at his checklist:
- “You must be open to new ideas.”
- “You must be dissatisfied with the status quo.”
- “You must be willing to take personal responsibility.”
- “You must be willing to work hard.”
I can procrastinate with chores, and I can get lazy if I don’t see the point, but ultimately, I’m down with all four of these. I decided to give the book a chance and I kept reading.
Breaking out of the mold
Chris starts out by talking about what it means to non-conform, and how we can break out of the mold and the walls that surround and bind us. Too many of us are trapped in jobs we don’t like or in situations we are not totally happy with, and we put up with it because we feel that we don’t have any other choice. We may feel the need to follow a traditional path and not disappoint our loved ones, or we may feel attached to the money.
As important as money is, we cannot ultimately enjoy it unless we are living a life in accordance with our highest values and passions. The fear of uncertainty and change holds us back from exploring, but we don’t need to be afraid, and we don’t need to be a victim of our circumstances. For those of us who have grown up in less than fortunate circumstances, we have unparalleled opportunities to improve our lives for the better. For those of us who have been blessed throughout our lives, this is our opportunity to make the fullest use of our gifts, instead of letting it to go waste.
With the rise of civilization, mass production, and big government, life has become increasingly regimented and industrialized. People have come to value standardization and throughput over trial & error and exploration. There is a time and a place for both, but I would personally argue that the excessive bias toward the “standard” way is due to the growing influence of government and the forced mass standardization of many aspects of society, including public education. I would also say that our true nature as human beings lies closer to the second path.
Both paths are important, but Chris argues that true progress comes from the explorers and innovators, and those who challenge authority instead of following it blindly. I would tend to agree.
You have to want it
I am personally an introvert, and I am often nervous about new situations and of change. I did not have the best beginning to my life, but the past is the past, and there is no reason to let it continue to place chains over my present and future.
We not only have the ability to shape our futures, but we bear the primary responsibility to do so! We can’t rely on someone else to make the decisions for us, as nobody has as much of a stake in our own personal success as we do.
Getting over your fear
Fear is an emotion, and emotions ultimately exist only inside of our heads. They are not things with real substance outside of our minds. Therefore, we have the ability to control our fear, and reframe the situation. Take the example of someone thinking about quitting their job. Many people believe that a full-time job is the safe and secure way, but that is not necessarily the case. It is all in how you frame the situation.
Traditional framing
- I need a job to pay off my mortgage and car payments, and send my kids to college.
- A job is stable and secure.
- A job presents a good path to career growth and advancement.
- Self-employment is risky and dangerous.
- Most businesses fail.
- I don’t have the ability to be entrepreneurial.
Contrarian framing
- A job is voluntary servitude, where I help someone else realize their own dreams while I put my own on the side, and I pay off debt on a house and car that I paid too much for.
- The future will need more kids that are independent thinkers and creators, not followers and memorizers.
- People get laid off and companies close doors all of the time. My own job is not immune.
- A corporation cares about its shareholders and exists to serve its customers. Employees are only a means to that end and are only valuable insofar as they match the corporation’s goals.
- A job takes away time from following my own true passions and dreams.
- Most entrepreneurs start more than one business.
- All people are entrepreneurial in many decisions of their lives, such as who to marry, what to study, and where to live.
The truth is that there is limited security when you place your destiny in the hands of others. Self-employment is risky in a certain way, but working for others is risky in another way. The biggest risk lies not in the seen, but in the unseen: the stuff we never get to realize because we never gave ourselves the chance. Our true security lies in ourselves, in our own competence, abilities, and passions.
Financial freedom
Chris compares and contrasts income-based financial freedom to capital-based financial freedom. These correlate to stages 2 and 3 of my road to financial freedom. I agree with Chris that capital-based financial freedom is amazing, but we don’t need to wait until we get there. Having the ability to work for yourself and support yourself on your own income is a great goal to achieve, and offers true independence from having to work out of obligation. Then you can work on your own terms, choose work that you enjoy, and find your passion, rather than working out of necessity.
Financial freedom will give you the ability to decide what you want, and follow your highest values.
Creating true value
Ultimately, we only have one life to live. One day, everything we do will be ancient history and we may no longer be of this earth. Most of our small concerns will not measure up against the vast immensity of time, and will not make a difference. Everyday, we only need to ask ourselves: does this make a difference and add real value to others and to the world? Let that be our guiding light, and the rest will fall into place.
Ordering the book
Clicking the picture of the book below (disclaimer: affiliate link) will bring you to Amazon, where you can order a copy of this great book.
I enjoyed “The Art of Non-Conformity“, and in the spirit of passing the knowledge on, I will be passing along my copy in a giveaway. The author, Chris Guillebeau has also kindly offered to sponsor a copy via Amazon to any address in the U.S.! Please see below for details:
So, reader, have you ever thought about following the less-conventional path? I would love to hear more. 🙂
First Gen American says
I have a number of friends that live non conventional lifestyles and are self employed in a variety of positions..everything from cartoon artist to housekeeper. I have met very few motivated people like this that choose a non-conformist lifestyle if they come from poor families. They all come from middle/upper class households where they do have family to fall back on if they do fail or get in a jam.
Although I love and admire the lives they lead and I can live vicariously through my friends who are in bands or pick up and move to the other side of the world, I personally feel more pull towards financial stability. When you’re poor (but motivated to succeed), you’re much more risk averse to doing these things. The #1 priority as we enter adulthood is to dig ourselves out of poverty. The saving the world stuff and living the dream part is secondary. You try to live your dream within the constraints of a more traditional world.
As I approach my 40’s and have the financial stability, I’m starting to do the save the world stuff now..okay, so maybe it’s just save my county, but it’s a start. I’d like to read the book. I love the lifestyle he advocates, I just know that my priorities pull me in other directions.
InvestItWisely says
@First Gen American Hi Sandy,
I think I may be the exception to the rule since although I am currently solidly in the middle class, I grew up in a poor home both emotionally and financially. In fact, I think if I had had a better childhood, I would be more conforming today and less willing to take a risk and try something new.
Also it’s not black and white. Before saving the world or even the county, you can start with saving yourself! The best way for us to help others is to begin by helping ourselves and becoming the best that we can be.
I loved your non-conforming coffee talks and would love to see these continue. 🙂
MyMoneyDesign says
Great sounding book. And great recap of the message! I will add this to my list of must-reads. Books like this are very interesting to me because they make me believe I could do things I would never imagine I could.
InvestItWisely says
@MyMoneyDesign I agree! I love reading these kinds of books and they can help you be even more imaginative than a good novel.
Cents to Save says
In my mind, I am a non conformist, but being an introvert ( like yourself) I tend to go with the flow. But inside… I am screaming to break free. 🙂
InvestItWisely says
@Cents to Save Haha, here’s to breaking free! Introverts can be just as happy as extroverts if not more so, since they can derive more happiness from within. Just all about embracing life to do the things we want to do, and not regretting things. Not always easy but that is the way forward.
prairieecothrif says
I definitely have to read this book by the sound of it. I may conform to some norms like at my job and the fact that I have a house, husband, and will have kids but there are many things I do that a lot people I know don’t. I think the bottom line is to be true to yourself and what matters to you and if this is different than the norm so be it.
InvestItWisely says
@prairieecothrif Very true — gotta maximize our life EV which means that the tradeoffs we make should ideally be worth it down the road.
Be en says
I have been struggling with finding a job (having been restructured out of the last one) and being my own boss. The message of this book may have just tipped the balance in favour of the latter choice!
Would love to read it.
InvestItWisely says
@Be en Restructurings suck, but they can also be a wake-up call. Sometimes we need a bit of a shock to get past our local peak and find something better!
My Own Advisor says
investitwisely Sounds like a great book Kevin. Very detailed post as well, you really make a strong case to get this book!
InvestItWisely says
@My Own Advisor Thanks, Mark! But, I didn’t see you in the list of entrants? 😉
My Own Advisor says
@InvestItWisely Entered my friend 🙂
InvestItWisely says
Sometimes we make excuses just out of a fear or change or even out of a fear of getting better! It’s strange but it can sometimes be true.
InvestItWisely says
I don’t know, even if you are conforming it’s really more about does this make sense for you? What if your salary was only half of what it was? Then maybe the online income and those side businesses would be more attractive?
InvestItWisely says
It was, and is!
InvestItWisely says
Thank you!
InvestItWisely says
The contest is over! Winners will be announced shortly.
InvestItWisely says
Congrats to our winners sustainablepf and @Be en !
Be en says
Hi Kevin
I received the book from Amazon yesterday.. will get down to reading it soon!
Once again thanks for the opportunity to win it.
InvestItWisely says
@Be en Cool, hope you enjoy the read. 🙂 Thanks again for participating in the giveaway!
Jon Rhodes says
The typical 9-5 has always bothered me. This spurred me on to first become a musician, then a clinical hypnotherapist, and now a full-time internet marketer. I love helping people and working on my terms.
InvestItWisely says
@Jon Rhodes That is a pretty interesting and diverse path! Thanks for sharing, and happy to hear that it’s been working out 🙂