Times have been tough in the past few years. Unemployment has been high, home prices have fallen, and it has been harder to qualify for loans with reasonable interest rates. If you have high interest credit card debt, need to cover a major medical expense, or make a large purchase, using money in your 401k… [Read More]
Three Important Milestones on Your Journey to Independent Financial Freedom
So I’ve been off on my own for a couple of months now, and while it hasn’t been too easy, it’s certainly been a lot of fun. However, at the end of the day, I need to ask myself: does this have a future? Can I keep “having fun”, or do I eventually have to… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Winter Solstice Edition
The shortest day of the year (for those of you in the northern hemisphere) is almost here… and so is Christmas! Is anyone tired of the snow yet? This is actually the first Christmas I spend at home in four years (the last three were overseas), so I’m actually enjoying it so far! Posts of… [Read More]
Book Review: The Great Credit Contraction
The Great Credit Contraction The Great Credit Contraction is a book by Trace Mayer, J.D. which covers the credit contraction of our times, in the face of quantitative easing and ongoing efforts to reflate. This book gets straight to the point, which can be a little intimidating at first glance. The book deals with the… [Read More]