Everyone knows that it is smart to have some money put aside in case the worst happens, but where should it go? And what is the difference between savings and investments? Traditionally, savings accounts are held with banks and there are many different types of on offer, including those that require notice to access funds… [Read More]
Does A House Beat Out A Good Retirement Plan?
The following is a guest post by Compare the Market. Planning for your financial future is a lot like forecasting the weather. You can make some general assumptions about what might happen, but you never really know what to expect until you are much closer in. A job that was bringing in a steady income… [Read More]
The 3 Stages of Financial Freedom
Last week, I talked about the three stages of financial despair. We all want to get out of the rat race, but before we get there, we need to get out of the hole and onto level ground. Financial freedom Financial independence is one of my life-long dreams. I don’t really believe in the “traditional… [Read More]
How Much Should I Save, and Why?
Me: Baby, how much should I save, and why? Her: How much? A lot. Why? To make me happy. We each have our own reasons for saving… what are yours? How much should I save, and why? Before we can answer this question, we need to ask another question: What is my time preference? In… [Read More]