With interest rates so low right now, it seems like a great time to buy a house. And it can be, but you need to make sure that you are aware of everything you can be going in. This means really being sure that the house is for you, even beyond the open house. You… [Read More]
Negotiate Using the Lifetime Loyalty Card
The following is a staff post by My University Money. Repeat after me: Everything is negotiable. This is one of the coolest personal finance tips that I have ever been given. I don’t have much interest in clipping coupons, or shopping for eight hours looking for that perfect deal on a basic product I want to buy…. [Read More]
Top Personal Finance Posts to Help You Achieve Financial Freedom
Just for fun, I decided to look at my stats and take a look at what the most popular posts of all-time have been, and what sort of lessons we can draw from them. In this post, I will share with you some of the background behind each post, and what I liked about that… [Read More]
Should I Convert My Variable Rate Mortgage to a Fixed Rate Mortgage?
With recent bank promotions of 2.99% fixed for four years (some even for five years!), there have been a lot of discussions on whether it’s a better deal to go for a fixed-rate or not. What do you think? Better to go for a fixed-rate, or a variable-rate? In this post, I’ll compare both scenarios,… [Read More]
Home Loan Comparison Services Save You Time and Money
Are you a home owner who has recently undergone a life change? If you have recently married, had children, completed a home renovation or are looking to undergo a home renovation, or noticed that current interest rates are lower than they were when you took out your original mortgage, you may want to consider refinancing…. [Read More]