My girlfriend recently treated me to a live performance of The Lion King Broadway Musical. I’m not usually big on watching musicals, but I loved the movie and the musical did not disappoint. The Lion King is a moving story about love, loss, and the circle of life. It follows the life of a young… [Read More]
Gold Versus Fiat and the Mother of All Bubbles
The price of gold has recently been shooting through the roof. As of the time of this writing gold is hovering near $1870. It seems like only a short while ago when I was wondering if $1500 was near. What’s going on with the price of gold? Is this the beginning of a mania phase… [Read More]
How Much Should I Save, and Why?
Me: Baby, how much should I save, and why? Her: How much? A lot. Why? To make me happy. We each have our own reasons for saving… what are yours? How much should I save, and why? Before we can answer this question, we need to ask another question: What is my time preference? In… [Read More]
The Skinny on Real Estate Investing: A Book Review
Does anyone remember the real estate euphoria from a few years back? While people are still trying to pick up the pieces down south, the euphoria hasn’t really gone away up here in Canada, though the dimmer switch has perhaps been turned down somewhat. In The Skinny on Real Estate Investing: An Introduction to the… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Canadian Housing Bubble Edition
The talk about housing prices and bubbles never ceases. I’ve been doing some thinking on this topic, myself; I don’t quite see the Canadian housing market as being in a bubble, myself, due to our recourse loans encouraging people to stick it out rather than default, and the fact that stricter lender requirements should mean… [Read More]