Jacob from Early Retirement Extreme and Mr. Money Mustache from Mr. Money Mustache have recently been talking about the “Internet retirement police”, self-appointed folk who call out bloggers for calling themselves retired, when, according to these people, their lifestyle doesn’t fit into the pre-approved notions of what they consider to be “early retirement”, or just plain ol’ “retirement” in… [Read More]
Zen Personal Finance: My Philosphy, and What It Means to Invest It Wisely
What is “zen personal finance”? Is it a new-age thing? Is it a type of meditation? Is it a new way of looking at our personal finances? It might be none of those things, or it might be all of those things and more! Now that I’ve been out on my own for a while,… [Read More]
Top Personal Finance Posts to Help You Achieve Financial Freedom
Just for fun, I decided to look at my stats and take a look at what the most popular posts of all-time have been, and what sort of lessons we can draw from them. In this post, I will share with you some of the background behind each post, and what I liked about that… [Read More]
The 3 Stages of Financial Freedom
Last week, I talked about the three stages of financial despair. We all want to get out of the rat race, but before we get there, we need to get out of the hole and onto level ground. Financial freedom Financial independence is one of my life-long dreams. I don’t really believe in the “traditional… [Read More]
Children Change Everything
The following is a Yakezie Blog Swap by Joe Edward. Growing up, my parents always taught me and lived their life to be financially responsible. When I got out of college, I just did what I was taught. When I got my first job, I lived below my means, saved and put money in my 401K…. [Read More]