Irresponsible and unmindful spending leads to debt. Nowadays, people prefer to use their credit cards in purchasing instead of cash. Because of this, they tend to overspend and abuse the purchasing power their credit cards hold. Only when this unconscious habit has been translated into accumulated credit card notification letters do they realize their overindulgences…. [Read More]
5 Ways to Help Your Kids With Their Finances
This is a post by David Bakke, father of a young son, and contributor for Money Crashers Personal Finance, a blog focused on sharing tips on money management, investing, retirement, and more. My parents did their best to make sure that I knew the value of a dollar and how to spend my money wisely…. [Read More]
Practical Help for Your Credit Card Debt
The following is a guest post by Debt Advisory Line. It wasn’t always this easy to get into debt. In today’s world, as you may know from personal experience, you can literally walk into any department store, pick out a large screen TV of your liking, charge it on your credit card and subsequently wind… [Read More]