We all are dealing with our battles silently. We do not like to talk about our worries because they might seem too vain for someone. However, it is not fair to judge yourself and think of your problem as small. We all read anxiety success stories without medication, and we wish to be a success story as well. Therapy is a great option, but let’s be real for a second; not all of us can afford therapy. Therapy may help you a ton, but finding a good one can be a lot of hassle.
Do you ever feel the need to be your superhero? Well, we all must save ourselves from the agony we are going through. It is okay to feel agitated and anxious for a day or two. On the other hand, dealing with anxiety all the time is not suitable for you. Our lives are complicated, and so are we; hence, we should not let anything dull our shine. If you wish to be your knight in shining armor, you must take action. You can be your real hero if you gather the courage to become one.
Ways to cure anxiety without therapy
We are by no means asking you to boycott therapy if you can afford it. However, why should you give someone that much money when it’s not necessary. Here is a quick rundown of all the anxiety treatment options which you can try yourself:
1. Fix your lifestyle
You may have heard that fixing your lifestyle can heal you. Well, whoever said that is not entirely wrong as this fact is true. Anxiety disorder affects hundreds of people globally, and the reason for it might be people’s lifestyles. We do not make even the slightest changes in our lifestyle before we jump to a conclusion.
Did you know you can experience anxiety more if you are running low on sleep? We are all guilty of binge-watching our favorite shows at night and go to work by sleeping two hours. While this behavior is justified once in a while, you cannot keep doing this every day. We are all humans, and we all need a break once in a while. However, if you want to feel less anxious and more productive, you must abide by some rules. You must make a few lifestyle changes to shift the tangent of your life.
2. Talk to your friends.
We, humans, tend to react similarly and think the same things. We often go through anxiety and depression and feel like we are the only ones feeling this way. You can never truly understand what someone is going through until you talk about it. You must make an effort to talk about your feelings with someone.
You can try sharing how you feel with your friend, your parents, or even a stranger. You will realize that there are a lot of people who think the same as you. The feeling of satisfaction is unreal when you get to know that you are not the only one.
3. Ask for help with someone experienced
We all have someone in our lives that we trust fully. If you are anxious about something, you must ask for advice from someone you think is experienced. There is a possibility that the suggestion that someone gives to you might not work for your situation.
However, it is always good to learn from other people’s experiences. If you feel anxious about a driving test, you must ask questions about it to someone. You will notice that you feel much calmer after hearing people’s experiences.
4. Master the art of breathing
If you are looking for non-medication treatment for anxiety, then deep breathing is the best. You may have heard a lot about deep breaths and its power in reducing anxiety levels. However, this is the most underrated thing ever. People often forget to slow down and take deep breaths. If you are having an issue with making yourself feel calm, you must try deep breathing.
If you are a person who is interested in yoga, then you can try yoga breathing exercises. The time to practice deep breathing is early in the morning or late at night. When you start your day feeling relaxed, you can take forward your whole day in the same demeanor. You must always try to stick to the basics rather than trying ten hundred things.
5. Do not underestimate natural supplements.
We underestimate the power of good multivitamins and supplements when it comes to treating your body naturally. Kratom and Vitamin E can do wonders for your body when it comes to anxiety.
● Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a magical substance when it comes to brain health and improving the body’s function. It is rich in antioxidants, and it helps in strengthening the brain over time.
● Kratom
Kratom belongs to the caffeine family, and you may know about red ketapang kratom if you are its regular user. If you are a regular user you can order Red Ketapang kratom from kratom krush at a wholesale price. You can mix kratom with any drink you want. However, kratom and alcohol together is not a wise choice, click here to know why. Many alcohol addicts mix kratom with alcohol, which is not suitable for your health.
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