Sex is a normal and important part of every person’s life. It’s a way of expressing love and establishing human connection. In the XIX century, doctors knew only two sexually transmitted diseases: syphilis and gonorrhea. Today, it is almost impossible to recount all the diseases that a sexual partner can reward you with. Doctors even came up with a special term STDs, which means – sexually transmitted disease – this is one thing you don’t want to get!
What is important to know about STDs?
Sexually transmitted infections are diseases that spread from one person to another during sexual contacts. So if you’re looking for online Russian ladies, think about your health in advance and do not rush in love immediately. STDs belong to such diseases about that we prefer to remain silent. This generates a distorted view, the lack of knowledge about STDs and leads to panic, fear, and also to unnecessary emotional tension. For each sexually active person, it is very important to know the characteristics of each of these diseases, to understand properly and imagine their undesirable consequences.
What are STDs?
Usually, when people talk about STDs, they mean syphilis, condyloma, gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV, herpes and many others.
- Syphilis. Usually, this disease affects people who do not use barrier contraception and have several sexual partners at once.
- Gonorrhea. This disease can easily be obtained with oral, anal or vaginal intercourse. Usually, the disease occurs in those people who do not limit themselves in partners and prefer unprotected sex.
- Chlamydia is a bacterial infection transmitted during all forms of sexual intercourse.
- Genital herpes is provoked by the second type of herpes virus and is easily transmitted during sex through micro cracks on the skin.
- HIV infection is a viral disease of the immune system transmitted sexually and through the blood.
The treatment of STDs
Most of STDs are curable. Bacterial infections such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis are treated with antibiotics. STDs that are caused by viruses, such as herpes, can be maintained by drugs that make it less likely to recur. The main rule is a timely assistance in the early stages of the disease. No self-treatment is acceptable – it leads to a chronic process. Only complex treatment that is prescribed after a full-fledged laboratory diagnosis will allow to exclude or minimize the negative consequences of a disease. One of the essential requirements for successful therapy is the simultaneous treatment of STDs of both regular partners, even if the analysis of one of them don’t reveal disease. In this case, it is needed to take a course, since he or she can be an asymptomatic carrier of the disease. Unfortunately, there are STDs such as HIV / AIDS that are currently incurable.
Until recently, AIDS was a fatal disease. It was called the “plague of the 20th century”. AIDS was equal to death. Since 2006, the situation has changed. Now people do not die because of HIV. They live, but they take medicine (antiretroviral drugs) throughout their lives, visit doctors mandatorily, take tests, control their state of health. Thanks to antiretroviral drugs HIV infection turned into a chronic disease. If a person detects an HIV infection in time and takes it under control, then her or his life is almost out of danger.
Preventing STD Infections
If you’re sexually active, the CDC recommends annual screening for common STDs, immunization when available to prevent commonly transmitted viral infections like hepatitis B and HPV. To be in a in a long term, mutually monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner and consistently/correctly use a condom for protection is a reliable way to avoid infection.