I’ve only been on this adventure for a bit more than a month, but I’ve already met some cool fellow bloggers, learned a few things, and enjoyed writing and interacting with the readers along the way!
I find that one of the nice things about blogging is that there is a great community of bloggers out there that challenge and motivate you to succeed. I believe that you need to have good role models in order to help you succeed; people who are good at what they do, people who you can look up to, learn from, and be challenged by. This is one of the ways you learn and improve in life.
With that said, I have decided to join the Yakezie challenge! My Alexa ranking started out at a dismal 19 million or so, but I have been climbing through the ranks ever so slowly, and the last that I checked I was at 3,664,945 (yes, I know, I gotta stop checking every few hours). My first goal will be to crack 1 million by July. The timeline is short, but I will try!
Here is your weekend reading:
- Beating the Index: Profiting from Europe’s Woes
- The market has burped loudly this week; stock markets are down, gold is up: what will your next move be?
- Andrew Hallam: The Elements of Investing book review
- Front end loads, back end loads, and management fees: So, how are actively managed funds supposed to beat the indexes again, after accounting for fees? The answer is that they do… but only for the person collecting the fees! Andrew explains it all in clear and concise terms.
- Blog Income Life: Content Left, Sidebars Right
- Valentina at Blog Income Life discusses the benefits of having content left and sidebars right on your blog, as well as improving monetization via affiliate links.
- The Wise Buck: Uplifting [Video]
- The Wise Buck has an uplifting video to share with us this week. It’s well worth checking out.
- Lifestyle Shock: Are Financial Bloggers as Corrupt as Real Estate Agents?
- Lifestyle Shock has a warning for us about unscrupulous bloggers.
- 20s Money: Finally A U.S. Politician Speaks The Truth About The IMF & Greece
- Jim DeMint isn’t afraid to voice his opinion about the planned bailout of Greece.
- Christian Common Cents: Never Loan Money To Friends and Family
- Christian Common Cents explains why it’s often not worth risking ruining the relationship when it comes to lending money to family and friends.
- Darwin’s Finance: Are You Pro-Business or Pro-Worker? Why is That?
- Darwin’s Finance examines the relationship and conflicts between the business and the employee.
- Financial Samurai: Pretend You Have Arrived So You Can Become
- The Financial Samurai talks about how the power of visualization can help you perform better and achieve success.
- Frugal Zeitgeist: Could Bartering Replace Currency?
- Bartering, eh? Frugal Zeitgeist talks about the advantages and disadvantages.
- Monevator: Walter Schloss: His rules that beat the market
- Monevator gives us a brief bio of Walter Schloss, a successful value investor in the vein of Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham, and gives us a peek at his investing guidelines.
- Money Energy: Is Greece the End of Fiat Currency?
- Money Energy talks about the possible end of the current supremacy of fiat currency.
- My Financial Objectives: One Red Paperclip
- My Financial Objectives tells us about the amazing story of one guy who traded away a red paperclip and eventually ended up with a house.
- Personal Finance Ninja: How to Invest in the Economy: The Best Investments for Each Business Cycle
- Personal Finance Ninja talks about the different phases of the business cycle and which type of investments work well in each phase.
- Well-Heeled Blog: 7 Steps In Overcoming Rejections In Job Search
- Well-Heeled Blog teaches us how to overcome job rejection; the lessons can also be applied to other types of rejection.
See you next week!

Thanks for the mention Kevin. I look forward to some of your readers continuing to generously contribute their ideas and comments to both of our blogs. May you climb higher and higher in the rankings!
Hey thanks very much for the mention and awesome to have you in the challenge… It’s the first time I have swung by but will check back more often.
Thanks a million,
PS… I normally sign up for email updates on blogs but can’t find an email signup here, let me know if you need help setting one up.
Welcome aboard! I think you’ll have a bunch of fun in this new challenge and meet many open-minded folks who are happy to help out where they can.
Always glad to have you around. Your site is one of my favorite reads and I’m always looking forward to your next post.
You should be able to sign up for email under “subscribe” on the right sidebar. Where were you looking first? Perhaps I need to adjust my theme a bit…
@Financial Samurai,
That’s what I noticed from reading the comments on your site; that’s why I joined! 🙂
Thanks for the feedback, guys!
Thanks, I see it now, signed up.
The link on the top right of your header isn’t linked to your feedburner feed so not giving the mail sub option when you click up there….
I wonder if it’s a browser thing or a Feedburner thing. The top link redirects to “http://feeds.feedburner.com/InvestItWisely” but I noticed that although the first time I saw the feedburner signup page, the other times I just saw the RSS feed directly.
I didn’t know about this behavior, so that’s a good point; I’ll add an email subscription link to the header as well. Thanks for letting me know!
Yeah that’s weird…. it’s very frustrating how diff browsers can affect our sites so much.
Hi Kevin,
I plan to read up on the Yakezie Challenge this evening. It looks like a great idea. Your blog is off to a great start. It’s obvious you enjoy the things that you write about. I look forward to watching your blog progress.
Take Care, Mike
Hey Kevin,
Anytime my friend. I’m glad to be apart of the group. The best to you in this challenge and to your blog as whole!
Wealth Artisan Team Member
Hi Kevin,
Thank you for the mention. Yes. The Yakezie Challenge is really neat and you’ll fly through the 1M sooner than you think. Me? I can’t seem to break the 250K. Somehow must have offended Alexa as I was below 240K for a while 🙁
Nice roundup of blogs … I’m going blog hopping tonight and will visit some 🙂
Thanks for the Link!:) Nice site, first time here!:)
Hey Kevin,
I just checked my own Alexa rating, and I’m ranked about 3 million. Do you know if there’s any way of figuring out how we rank, in terms of finance blogs? Or do we only have access to our overall ranking?
Glad to hear it… I just kept seeing the badge everywhere, so I decided to look more into it and it looks like a pretty cool community, plus there’s also the friendly competition side of it. There are some guys out there that are really good writers and really know what they’re doing; some of it is bound to rub off! 🙂
I don’t really quite understand how the ranking works, but I am sure you will get there sooner rather than later, especially now with the new look. Yours is one of the few websites on your topic that isn’t plastered with 100 ads or “get rich quick” schemes, and that’s what I love about it.
I think that http://www.wisebread.com/top-100-most-popular-personal-finance-blogs/ is the “authoritative” list. I’m not yet on the list, but I see that you are; hopefully my submission is reviewed soon and approved.
Interacting with the readers has become one of my favorite parts about blogging… Thanks for stopping by!