Guest Posts
My first guest post is live! The theme is “the difference between volunteering and forced giving”, through a tale of a traveler, a poor woman, and a scheming farmer. Thanks to Christian Common Cents for publishing!
Weekend Reading
Economics and Finance
- Beating the Index looks at the current state of the U.S. stock market.
- Hope to Prosper discusses the trillion dollar public pension shortfall.
- Mike over at the Wise Buck cautions us to “Adapt And Thrive Or Get Left Behind.” He also sees opportunity in the abyss.
- Personal Finance By The Book looks at whether the Bible teaches communism.
- The Mises Institute shows us signs of the malinvestment: 20 miles of parked railway lumber cars.
- The Wealth Artisan discusses the economics of time.
- Retirement Investing Today covers the Australian housing market boom.
- Simple Financial Freedom gives us the alpha strategy.
- Is there pessimism in the air lately? Seeking Alpha talks about the worst case scenarios, Matterhorn Asset Management believes that things will be much worse than a double-dip; 20s money offers his own view regarding doom & gloom scenarios.
- Wealth Informatics gives us an intro to freshman finances.
- Well-Heeled Blog talks about the high cost of free parking.
- Buy Like Buffett tells us why there will never be another Warren Buffett.
- DIY Investor gives his thoughts on ongoing stimulus; is there a limb getting ready to break?
- My Own Advisor discusses ethical investing.
- Shaun at Moolanomy talks about an alternative way to invest in gold.
- Andrew Hallam talks about having a foreign affair. Then there is part II, where he opens up the discussion forum to his students and asks them their thoughts about travel and international living. It’s quite interesting, with a lot of viewpoints and opinions!
- Barbara Friedberg talks about when not to splurge.
- Guest blogger Hein Viermann talks about extreme early retirement in Germany.
- Everyday Tips and Thoughts gives us her thoughts on travel and hotels.
- My Financial Objectives shows us some financial lessons that we can learn from a 20 year old entrepreneur.
- The Biz of Life shows us photos from 1940s Americana.
- Let A Thousand Nations Bloom covers the rise of the city state and the new Hanseatic League. Related to this is this article: San Francisco Chronicle: The Bay Area needs to act like a city-state.
- Is Director’s Law coming to an end? This is another interesting article that asks if the middle class is becoming disenfranchised as a political force.
- Overcoming Bias talks about the value of virginity. :S
- Can you be too attractive to get hired?
- Do we really need traffic lights? Check out what happened in one town in England after they got rid of the lights at one intersection.
Technology and artificial intelligence
- When will computers match the human brain? Ray Kurzweil responds to criticism and defends himself in an open letter to the community. Singularity Hub also covers the Singularity Summit 2010: Optimism, Intelligence, the Future – Oh My. This post is also interesting: We Live in a Jungle of Artificial Intelligence that will Spawn Sentience.
- The Biz of Life shows us a TED talk by Matt Ridley: How Ideas Have Sex. This is an interesting video on our complex economy and on how people’s lives are improved through exchange and trade.
Have a good weekend, and see you all next week.

Thanks for the mention.
Great wrap up mate. The badge looks pretty sweet on your site too! Nice. Just installed the Top Commentators widget… i totally forgot I had that before switching over to a new server. Thanks for your participation!
Best, Sam
Congrats on your first guest post…first of many I presume. Thanks too for the mention.
You have the best wrap-ups! Thanks for the mention!
Hey Kevin, great wrap up, just going over to read your guest post.
Thanks for the mention Kevin! Last days of summer…sigh. Might as well make the most of them – only a few weeks left! Cheers.
@The Biz of Life
Thanks for stopping by!
@Financial Samurai
Thanks! Yep, I like the new Yakezie badges. Yep, it’s interesting to see which plugins are enabled; I’ve learned of a lot of cool plugins that way… but the difference with my top commentators plugin is that mine is setup as *do*follow 😛
@Joe Plemon
Thanks for the interesting discussions! I think my next guest post might be a bit shorter, though; the length might have turned off some people!
@Everyday Tips
Thanks for the vote of confidence, Kris! I also enjoy reading your thoughts from day to day, and it’s uncanny how much my girlfriend and you have in common… I suppose that’s why your blog is also one of her favorites!
Interesting commentary, there! I had a reply for you but it got caught in Akismet hell (like usual). Just waiting for Christian Common Cents to fish it out for me, then the debate can continue! 😉
@Financial Cents
Yep! It’s already getting cold outside, which I hate. I guess I’m not a true Canadian in that sense, eh? 😉
Thanks for the add Kevin!
Keep up the good posts! I wonder if we will ever see another Warren Buffett… he might be one of those once-only prodigies that happened to come at a good time.