Here are the posts of the week:
- I ran a giveaway contest with close to $300 in prizes; check it out!
- I also posted on Wednesday about your income level versus your expenses: How Much of Your Paycheck Do You Need to Survive?
Weekend Reading
- Beating the Index: A September rally in Stocks?
- Mich looks at recent market trends, and gives us his views on oil. BTI is also one of my sponsors for the giveaway; thanks Mich!
- Maximizing Money: $250+ Prizes and Cash Rewards Giveaway from Invest It Wisely
- Maximizing Money is promoting my giveaway, and also has a bunch of other giveaways at his site that you can check out!
- My Own Advisor: One great way to get more readers – give stuff away!
- My Own Advisor is also promoting my giveaway, and he has a lot of great posts and commentary on his site, so be sure to go and pay him a visit!
- Frugal Zeitgeist: Man Fined For Growing Vegetables
- Forest tells us how one man committed treason against the state for growing his own vegetables. He is another sponsor of my giveaway, so be sure to visit him, too!
- Spruce Up Your Finances: Buying A Condominium: What You Should Know Before Buying One
- You should read this before buying a condominium. Ken is another of my sponsors for the giveaway, and did a great job in promoting, so visit him as well!
- PF Firewall: How To Make Money From Distributed Computing
- PF Firewall looks at how you can generate money through distributed computing. Perhaps he was able to use some of that as he was generous enough to sponsor my giveaway!
- Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance: A Sneak Peak; Inside Barbara Friedberg’s Personal Portfolio-Part 3
- Barbara reveals her family secrets, and she is also sponsoring my giveaway!
- Out of Debt Again: Over $800 Dollars In Prizes and Cash to Giveaway at my 3 Year Blogoversary Celebration at Out of Debt Again!
- Mrs. Accountability is celebrating her 3rd blog birthday with a huge $800 bash! One of the prizes is sponsored by yours truly, so be sure to go check it out! She was also kind enough to sponsor my current giveaway, as well!
- Couple Money 1st Anniversary Giveaway
- Couple Money is giving away a laptop! Couple Money also did a great job promoting my own giveaway… so be sure to check out their giveaway, too, and enter!
- Watson Inc: When is Paying Down Your Mortgage a Bad Idea?
- Watson responds to an earlier post of mine which compares paying down the mortgage versus holding an emergency fund, and gives us his advice on when paying down the mortgage could be a bad idea.
- Little House in the Valley: Don’t Buy a Home Without Understanding Your Impound Account
- Little House takes an look at impound accounts. As I am soon going to be a homeowner, myself, I found the article interesting and learned something new!
- Faithful With A Few: Do You Really Need An Emergency Fund?
- Here is Khaleef’s take on whether we need an emergency fund, and his recommendations.
- Money Smart Life: Mortgage Refinancing Mistakes
- Money Smart Life tells us about common mortgage refinancing mistakes, and how to avoid them.
- Everyday Tips and Thoughts: How My GPS Has Affected My Driving
- Does using a GPS affect your driving?
- Bucksome Boomer: Thursday Giveaway News
- Bucksome Boomer is also promoting my giveaway, as well as two other giveaways by Out of Debt Again and Couple Money. There are lots of prizes to be given away, so check it out!
- Saving Money Today: Moen Shower Hook Review and Giveaway
- Saving Money Today is giving away a Moen shower hook. This might be something nice for your home, so why not enter and try to win?
- Wealth Informatics: Credit card perks you never knew you had!
- Suba tells us about different credit card perks that we might not be aware of. Wealth Informatics was also kind enough to promote my giveaway… thanks!
… and please check out these additional articles that I liked:
- DIY Investor: Fixing the Economy
- In Search of Salt: BOJ Intervenes in the F/X Market
- Darwin’s Money: Price Gouging Is Good
- The Economic Collapse Blog: Even Tony Robbins Is Warning That An Economic Collapse Is Coming
- The Daily Capitalist: Hedging Against Dollar Weakness Part I
- Zero Hedge: Gold Breakout Refuses To Stop As Imminent Fed QE 2 Expected To Confirm Double Dip Deteriorating
Home ownership
- First Gen American: 8 Unusual Tips to Research your New Home
- Canadian Finance Blog: Basics Of The Smith Manoeuvre
- Buy Like Buffett: A Packaging Company That Makes Profits
- Canadian Business Blogs: Larry MacDonald: Dividend investing and early retirement
- The Biz of Life: Why Google Voice Spells Big Trouble for Verizon and AT&T
- The Amateur Financier: Thirteen Ways to Protect Yourself From Bad Luck
- The Wise Buck: 10 Steps to Recharge Your Career and Life
- Money Reasons: Tricking Yourself Into Success In Life
- 7million7years: Who are the real leaders?
- Copyblogger: How to Blog Like James Bond
- Overcoming Bias: Old Are Lazy, But Fit
- RBs Keys to Successful Living: Use These 17 Proven Tips to Kill Anxiety on Contact
- Singularity Hub: South Africa Develops Nanotech ‘Tea Bag’ To Filter Water for Pennies (video)
- Let A Thousand Nations Bloom: The Entrepreneur as Social Hero
- Singularity Hub: SU Ends 2nd Year With a Dozen More Ways to Help a Billion People
Personal Finance
- Money Smarts Blog: The High Cost of Being Frugal
- Simple Financial Lifestyle: 8 Financial Seeds to Plant Now to Simplify Your Finances
- Personal Dividends: Tips for Structuring an Emergency Fund
- Financially Poor: The Tortoise and the Hare: Which Way To Financial Freedom?
- Wealth Crashers: One dime at a time: How I earned money as a kid
- Money Crush: Time and Money Go Hand in Hand
- Engineer Your Finances: Financial Mistakes Of Young Families
- Financial Highway: 5 Common Financial Mistakes NOT to Make Right Now
- The Wealth Artisan: Perpetual Mindset
- Personal Finance By The Book: How Those “Easy Payments” Can Wreck Your Finances
My roundup includes sites that mentioned Invest It Wisely over the past week; thanks for including me, and please let me know if I forgot to mention you!
Video of the week
Have a great weekend, and see you next week.
P.S. Don’t forget to check out the giveaway contest!

Hey Kevin,
Thanks so much for the link!!!! We now have similar structures to our round ups 🙂
Thanks for the mention Kevin!
Thanks for the mention. Overdose is a great video and will everyone something to ponder.
Thanks for the mention, Kevin.
That’s a massive list, btw. Unfortunately, I’m working all weekend, so won’t get a chance to read much until Monday. Something to look forward to.
Thanks for including me Kevin! Also, I finally added that plugin you suggested regarding comments. Hopefully it is working! Thanks for the tip!
That is one huge roundup. Thanks for including me.
Wow, what a roundup! I can’t imagine there are too many pf blogs not listed. 😉
Awesome roundup as always and awesome comp this week. Looks like the entries are flooding in!
I watched the financial crash video, much of the info there I have seen before in other docs….. I can see it as a real possibility but not a certainty (but I am not financial expert).
Also the water filter teabags are awesome. Good for them!
Thanks for the mention Kevin, have a great weekend!
Thanks for mentioning our article on mortgage refinancing mistakes!
Thanks for the mention of my three year blogoversary celebration event! 🙂
Thanks for the mention!
Thanks for mentioning my post Kevin and in fact, the money I have earned from distributed computing so far is pretty close to what I am contributing to your giveaway 🙂
Kevin, thanks for including my link!
@Roshawn @ Watson Inc
Yep, I like your format as well. I tried linking out to carnivals, but I found it a little tedious to track plus I prefer linking out to a different article. I think it’s better for Google juice, too!
You’re welcome!
@The Biz of Life
Yep, I saw it on your site and the Daily Capitalist as well. No matter what your political stripes, one’s gotta know that the government (which in the end uses our resources), does not have a bottomless bank of resources. Thanks for sharing the video!
@Myke@In Search of Salt
I couldn’t resist the massive list 😉
@Everyday Tips
I’m glad that it’s working for you! I love being able to receive the new replies, and I’m sure your readers will appreciate it as well.
@Joe Plemon
You’re welcome! Yep, couldn’t resist the massive list.
@Money Smarts Blog
I tried to limit the roundup, but there was just too much out there to link to, plus I also want to thank those who link to me by linking back to them, too. 😉
Thanks! Yep, what is described in the video by no means has to become reality, but our situation is precarious the same as walking along the edge of a cliff is precarious. A sudden gust of wind might blow you off into the abyss.
P.S. Yep, I love technology. Those teabags are quite cool.
@Financial Cents
Thanks, hope you enjoyed your weekend!
You’re welcome; I found it relevant! Gonna become a homeowner soon, myself. 🙂
@Mrs. Accountability
You’re welcome, and thanks for the great promotion of my own giveaway.
You’re welcome, Mark! You’ve brought up a lot of interesting topics lately; just don’t get too protectionist! 😛
Cool! I should try it out myself sometime! 😉 Thanks again for sponsoring!
@Khaleef @ KNS Financial
You’re welcome, and thanks for the great comments and promo.
Thanks for the mention!
This is an incredible list.
Thanks for the mention Kevin, that’s a lot of weekend reading!