Fall has come, and is already on its way out. The scenery is rouge and golden, the temperatures are falling into the single digits, and it’s only a matter of time before the first snowflakes start slowly making their way gently down to the ground.
Here are my posts of the week:
- The Importance of Opportunity Costs, and Why They Should Not Be Ignored
- College: Is It a Complete Waste of Time?
Weekend Reading
- Saying Yes to the Home-Ownership Dream (Beating The Index)
- BTI responds to an article he read online, and tells us why he says “yes” to the home ownership dream.
- The Path Between Fear and Overconfidence (Dividend Monk)
- The Dividend Monk explores the basic psychological pitfalls that many investors fall into, and the path that lies in between.
- The Inmates Are Running the Asylum (DIY Investor)
- This is an amusing look at the mad rush into bonds by investors.
- Spending Money on Looking Good…? (Young & Thrifty)
- Young & Thrifty takes a look at the money we spend on just looking good for others, and ourselves. 🙂 I wonder what she would think of places like South Korea where the majority of women undergo plastic surgery…
- Get Happy By Sharing Knowledge (Get Happy Life)
- I recently discovered this blog through comments left over here, and I like the writer’s optimism and positive thinking. This post takes a look at the benefits of sharing knowledge and teaching others.
- Investing fundamental #4 – emergency fund (Retireby40.org)
- Here’s another one I discovered recently. I would love to be able to get out of the rat race by 40, or even earlier!
- Tax Avoidance, Double Irish and Dutch Sandwiches! (Everyday Tips and Thoughts)
- Kris writes an interesting article on how Google avoids taxes by shifting income overseas. Sometimes, I wish I could do that, too!
- Should Senior Citizens Become Cry Babies Over Social Security Freeze? (Personal Finance By The Book)
- This is an interesting article on social security, government-guaranteed pensions, and the lack of an increase this year.
- Your Local Politician Is A Millionaire (Buy Like Buffett)
- Is there a conflict of interest in giving politicians leverage over millions and billions of tax dollars? Nahhhhh… surely not. 😛
- Another comment on doing what you love (Grumpy rumblings of the untenured)
- The grumpy duo looks at doing what you love vs. doing something to get paid, as well as the value of education.
- Price of prestige : Are elite schools worth the money? (Wealth Informatics)
- Are Ivy League schools worth the money?
- It’s only money… (Early Retirement Extreme)
- Is it really only money? I like Jacob’s philosophy here.
- Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, Available To Download (The Wise Buck)
- Can China and India Save the World? (Financial Sense)
- Scientists suggest that cancer is purely man-made (KurzweilAI)
- What would you pay more for—Apple Computer or Colgate Palmolive? (Andrew Hallam)
- Why I’m thankful for low TransAlta prices (My Own Advisor)
- Statistical Arbitrage Pairs Trading With Michael Kapler of SciVest Capital Management (Investing Thesis)
- Stock Allocation: All or None? (Balance Junkie)
- Landlord Tips – Canadian Law (Landlord Tips)
- How Investing in Gold Can Save You From an Economic Crisis (Canadian Finance Blog)
- Young People Should Continue to Invest Aggressively (Personal Dividends)
- The Economic Crisis is the Best Thing that Ever Happened to Us (Hope to Prosper)
- Debunkery, yet again (Control Your Cash)
- Job Hunting: Electronic Communication Tips (Bucksome Boomer)
- 30 Ways to Wreck Your Career (Engineer Your Finances)
- Peter Thiel wants to give 20 under 20 Kids $100,000 to Drop Out of College (Money Funk)
- This Week at the Patent Office (Cognoramus)
- Squirreling Gone Wild #17: The Magic Gumball Machine and Free Cookies (Squirrelers)
- Divide: Forager v Farmer (Overcoming Bias)
- Doing Good by Doing Well (Mises Economics Blog)
- The Future Seems Shiny (Overcoming Bias)
- Best U.S. places to survive the apocalypse (Mother Nature Network)
- Norms Beat Empathy (Overcoming Bias)
Personal Finance
- ARE YOUR VALUES MONEY-MAKERS OR MONEY-LOSERS? (Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance)
- Buy a car locally or import? (Larry MacDonald)
- Simplify your personal finances by building a financial fortress (Simple Financial Lifestyle)
- The 5 Whys: And WHY You Should Read This! (The Millionaire Nurse Blog)
- How To Get (and Keep) Your Child Safe Around Credit Cards (Wealth Pilgrim)
- 5 Signs of a Professionally Trained Structured Settlement Representative (Maximizing Money)
- My First Credit Card – And The High It Gave Me (Free From Broke)
- Good Old Middle Class or Wealthy – You Decide Redux (Watson Inc)
- Travel full-time for less than $14,000 per year (I Will Teach You To Be Rich)
- The Killing and Reviving of the American Dream (Mises Daily)
- Quebecois Pitch Sovereignty to U.S. Cognitive Elite (Let A Thousand Nations Bloom)
- Seasteading: An Audacious Vision of Diversity and Innovation In Law (The Seasteading Institute)
- Federal Reserve Paychecks Soar (The Daily Capitalist)
- Early Retirement (The Loonie Bin)
My roundup includes sites that mentioned Invest It Wisely over the past week; thanks for including me, and please let me know if I forgot to mention you!
Videos of the week
Thanks to The Biz of Life for sharing these videos on his blog. I personally enjoyed them.
I hope you all enjoyed the weekend.

Thanks for including me in this great round-up. That picture is gorgeous!
Thanks, glad you enjoyed it!
Today is the perfect fall day here in Michigan! I think it is actually 75 degrees here and sunny. I am hoping a thunderstorm comes next.
Thanks for including me in the roundup!
It’s nearly below 0 over here. I think that would be around 40 Fahrenheit? When the temperatures start changing, they change fast!
Thanks for including us in this one… and being so gracious when we twisted your arm on the other. 😉 I have no idea why wordpress keeps sending you to spam. Most people only go to spam the first comment and are safe after that.
😉 Your anti-spam must not like Canucks…
Thanks for the kind link to the “The Economic Crisis Is the Best Thing That Ever Happened to Us” article. We need to keep focused on the positive!
I agree. Thanks for sharing your thoughts; it’s always interesting and informative to read and learn from new perspectives.
Kevin, thanks for the link! Also, I’m kind of jealous that you get to see a real autumn and all I get are temperatures in the ’80’s 🙂
I bet you don’t yearn for the -20 degree blizzards, though. 😉
Thanks for adding me to your list of great reads, Kevin!
No problem Dr. Dean!
Thanks for the mention, Kevin. Wonderful roundup – so many great articles and blogs. Have a smashing day and week ahead.
You too, Arjun! Nice interviews.
I too love fall. In fact, I love all the seasons and the changing of the seasons. Good thing, because here in Mid-western USA we see them all.
Thanks for including my post. I appreciate how you take time to comment on so many of these posts. Great roundup, as usual.
It looks like you also enjoyed your time in the smoky mountains! Fall is already quickly on its way out here. I am guessing that in two weeks or so most of the trees should be bare, maybe three. In the mountains they are probably already bare.
Thanks for the mention.
No problem, Robert! I’m checking out your most recent post about lying with statistics right now.
It seems that you have done a lot of reading for the weekend, Kevin! I am really encouraged that you found Get Happy Life surrounding with positive thinking. That is very supportive.
Hope I send some traffic your way. 🙂
Thanks for the link !
Have a great Monday!
Thanks, you too!
Thanks for the mention! Hope your weekend was awesome.
Thanks, Craig! You too.
Thanks for including my site!
Np! Here’s to retiring by fourty… or earlier!
Hey Kevin,
Hope you had a great weekend and thanks for mentioning The Wise Buck. Have a great week.
Thanks, Mike. I always enjoy the discussions in the comments!
Thanks for the mention!
Np! I also liked your most recent post about moving past failure.
Thanks for the mention. Glad you enjoyed The Commanding Heights. It’s a long watch, but worth it, and we need to make sure we don’t forget the lessons of the command and control economies of the 20th century.
It was a very interesting series. Quite long to watch all three, but it was worth it IMO. History does tend to repeat itself; hopefully we can learn from our previous mistakes.
Thanks for the mention Kevin! I hope you had a great weekend.
Back to work today – ugh.
Haha. I sometimes feel the same way…
Thanks for the inclusion!
Np Mark!
Egypt is finally starting to become ok…. Slept a few nights without air conditioning so that means winter is coming or Egypt’s pretend winter anyway!
Can’t believe how quick this year is going!
Today is 14 degrees outside, and I was able to go out with just a t-shirt and still not feel cold. Why? Because the last few days have been close to 0! It’s funny how “cold” feels “warm” with the appropriate contrast. 😉