Here is your weekend reading:
Site Changes
I’ve recently added a popular posts plugin, which shows the 5 most popular posts along the right sidebar. Since the statistics only started being collected as of yesterday, the rankings are biased in favor of the most recent posts.
I’ve also added a top commentators plugin. I’m displaying the top 10 commentators to the site on the right sidebar; the links are all dofollow, so please comment and enjoy the link love heading back your way!
In fact, it’s time I give some credit where credit is due: Here is the current list of software being used directly on this blog:
Blogging platform: WordPress.
Theme: MountKailash.
- ©Feed
- AddToAny: Share/Bookmark/Email Button
- All in One SEO Pack
- Bad Behavior
- CommentLuv
- Fast and Secure Contact Form
- FD Feedburner Plugin
- Google Analytics for WordPress
- Google XML Sitemaps
- Hello Dolly
- Popularity Contest
- SI CAPTCHA Anti-Spam
- Subscribe To Comments
- Thank Me Later
- Top Commentators Widget
- Twitter Tools
- Twitter Tools – Hashtags
- WP Super Cache
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin
Thanks, guys!
Face Morphing
Want to see what your future baby will look like? Then check out MorphThing! You can also morph two faces together to see what the adult would look like. Here’s one, just for fun:
Weekend Carnival
- 20smoney: Is America Just Like The Roman Empire?
- 7million7years: There IS an entrepreneurial bug!
- Beating The Index: Bulls Back In Control?
- Car Negotiation Coach: Should car salesmen be allowed to profit?
- Digging Out From Our Mess: It’s a Boy!
- Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Investor: Portfolio rebalancing
- Early Retirement Extreme: Frugality is not deprivation
- Everyday Tips and Thoughts: Why Do Some People Want Others To Fail?
- Financial Samurai: The Ultimate Solution For A Fair Income Tax Policy In America
- Frugal Zeitgeist: Top Frugal Date Ideas To Impress Your Partner With
- Get Rich Slowly: Use an Informational Interview to Overcome Mental Barriers
- KurzweilAI: Building One Big Brain
- KurzweilAI: The Science Of ‘Inception’
- Million Dollar Journey: Taking Vacations Can Make You Money?
- Moolanomy: Belong to a Homeowner’s Association? Pay Dues On Time or Risk Losing Your Home
- My Financial Objectives: Mid Week Yakezie Link Rally!
- My Journey to Millions: Would You Opt Out of The Social Security Ponzi Scheme?
- My Own Advisor: Taking a moment to play the devil’s advocate to DRIPing
- Out of Debt Again: What To Do If You’ve Been Labeled As Spam by Akismet – This one is important to me, since I’ve recently been mistakenly flagged as spam by Askimet, and it’s been a real pain in the ass. I’ve had over 10 bloggers mark me as “not spam” and yet I STILL end up in the spam. What’s up with that? It’s been happening to a lot of fellow bloggers, as well!
Thanks for the help, Mrs. Accountability! - Singularity Hub: Your Entire Life Recorded – Lifelogging Goes Mainstream
- Sweating The Big Stuff: 10 Money-Saving Home Repairs
- The Daily Capitalist: How To Start An Economic Recovery
- The Passive Income Earner: July 2010 Net Worth Update
- The Saved Quarter: Aspirationals
- Watson Inc: Hey Broke People, Stop Overpaying For College!
I’m off camping this weekend, so if you have any comments or pingbacks stuck in purgatory, I’ll approve them first thing Monday. Have a good weekend, guys!

Thanks for the mention Kevin.
Enjoy your camping!
Thanks for the link Kevin, and thanks for the morph face tool. Have fun camping!
Ha ha that is an interesting morph…. I guess we are lucky Bush Senior and Obama’s mum never met in dim lit bar!
Seems like a robust list of useful plugins you are using. I just turned the cache plugin off as I think I need to read up on configuring it a bit better as it seemed to be affecting the serving if my adsense ads….. I would be interested in knowing if you have seen a drop in clicks since you started using it?
Hi Forest,
I have seen issues when combining plugins such as ‘Ozh Who sees ads’ and ‘WP Super Cache’. I now have the ad code directly embedded in the theme, with only a small script to check the age of the post. I think you could do this with the plugin as well and not run into problems.
It’s when you start to add rules that things get messed up. For example, if you have a rule for search engine traffic, and you have WP super cache enabled, then once the ad is cached the same ad will show for all visitors, whether they came from an SE or not. The solutions to this are to use a plugin that uses AJAX to get around this (haven’t seen any), a plugin that performs client-side tests (haven’t seen any), or just turn off caching. 😉
Ooops I just replied to the wrong blog what i meant to say here :).
Anyway, I am using a plugin called Why Do Work to display my adsense on many pages. I will try w3 cache again in a few weeks when I have time to sit down and go through all the setup properly.
I need for Magic get rich . very mony . plize . i from in iran