Source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Alonso_Chasing_Coulthard.jpg
Here is your weekend reading:
Building your wealth
- Narrow Bridge Adventures shows us how a rent vs. buy analysis can help us make an informed decision when it comes to choosing housing.
- The Passive Income Earner gives us an overview of the different types of Canadian investment accounts available.
- The Globe and Mail publishes an article about how Canadian mutual funds lag the index, yet again.
- My Financial Objectives takes a look at U.S. consumer debt.
- Eliminate The Muda! looks at the health risks of debt stress.
- Barbara Friedberg tells us the secret to cutting your debt immediately.
- My Own Advisor asks if it’s time to get serious about debt.
- Money Funk wants you to get your debt under control.
- Martin Wolf warns us over at Naked Capitalism of the dangers of austerity.
- TheMoneyIllusion believes that Krugman is wrong, again.
- Digging Out From Our Mess covers the difficult task of talking to parents about their finances.
- Money Reasons asks if it’s easier to be financially successful in California.
Good will
- Andrew Hallam asks what you are doing to make the world a better place.
- The Wise Buck tells us the story of John Wooden and gives us 12 lessons for leadership.
- The Passive Income Earner talks about teaching children about money.
- Blog Income Life asks if you’ve got the blogging blues.
- Here are some shocking photos on pollution in China.
- Let A Thousand Nations Bloom talks about David Friedman’s upcoming update to the Machinery of Freedom.
- Mises Economics Blog has an article about the trouble with David Friedman’s concept of rationality.
Saving money
- Deliver Away Debt has compiled a massive collection of Yakezie money saving tips.
- How I Save Money tells us how line dried clothes can save money.
- Everyday Tips and Thoughts talks about when frugal goes bad, and saving money isn’t worth it.
Technology & futurism
- Singularity Hub talks about Jason Silvas’ documentary about turning into gods.
- Let A Thousand Nations Bloom covers space-steading with an intro on Bigelow Aerospace, a company building the first private space station
See you next week!

When frugal’s gone bad and line drying… Great posts. In fact they all look goof (I know Jeff’s massive collection is a great one). But I a bit apprehensive to look at the photos of pollution in China. I think we all got a synopsis of that right before the Olympics when they were going through mass measures to temporarily reduce it’s pollution.
Thank you for the mention!
I meant GOOD 🙂
Thanks Money Funk!
Wow, truly an impressive list!
Thanks for the mention!
Now I’m off to check out some of the great links you have above!
Thank you so much for including me in this post!
Really like your site!
Hi Kevin, Thank you for the mention of my debt article. (I also appreciate the personal response to my email question). Very nice layout! Best regards, Barb
Hey Kevin, thanks for the mention! Now I need to browse some of those links.
Keep in touch!
Thanks for stopping by to comment everyone, and keep the good posts coming!