Happy February, everyone! The cold of winter carries on, with some parts of Canada and the US shutdown by a recent heavy dumping of snow. This brings back memories of snow days, when school would be cancelled because there was no way of getting there! Winter was one of my favourite seasons as a kid, because you… [Read More]
Weekend Reading, November 2012 Edition
Welcome to another monthly wrapup! Another month has come and gone, snow is starting to fall, and my journey has come a long way since I quit my job nearly a year ago. Some of you are curious to know more about the emotional side of things, in taking the leap of faith and in… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Gale Edition
It’s been a weird week in weather. The week started out at -20°C, which temperatures rising almost to +10 by Friday! Then on Saturday, temperatures fell back to -10 and beyond and it was extremely windy, which was a pain when I had to go pick up a desk at a furniture store and the… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Snow & Ice Edition
Apparently it’s one of the coldest winters on record for some areas of Europe and the U.S., but it actually feels pretty normal to me up here in Canada. Most days have been warmer than -10C, and although I am not a person that adores the cold, this winter almost feels warm to me, since… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Freedom Edition!
This week I celebrate freedom: 我考完试! I’ve finished my exams, and my evenings are wide open once again. I’m not completely satisfied, because I realized that I studied a bit too much of one area and not enough of another when doing the test, and our oral group completely got our asses kicked by the… [Read More]