Stocks can make lucrative investments, but also risky ones. When trading stocks, your cash returns are at the mercy of the whims of the businesses in which you have invested your hard-earned money. If you’re looking for a safer investment, you may want to consider commodity trading. Commodities are generally raw materials or agricultural products… [Read More]
Gain Time And Money Through Outsourcing And Trade
I have a guest post up on the Yakezie today, titled “Gain Time And Money Through Outsourcing And Trade”. It’s about the advantages we all gain when we trade with each other and specialize at the things we are good at and enjoy. When I started out blogging, I was taking care of everything myself…. [Read More]
College: Is It a Complete Waste of Time?
Is a higher education worth pursuing? I’ve been reading a lot of stories about higher education around the blogosphere lately. There’s a lot of debate over the impact of student debt and the merits and drawbacks of pursuing a higher education. My personal feelings on the matter are mixed. I believe that higher education is… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Last Days of Summer
Guest Posts My first guest post is live! The theme is “the difference between volunteering and forced giving”, through a tale of a traveler, a poor woman, and a scheming farmer. Thanks to Christian Common Cents for publishing! Weekend Reading The Yakezie gives us some more details about membership and the belt system.