The following is the first staff post by Greg Johnson. Please join me in welcoming him to the site! When people use the term “investing,” they are usually talking about investing money in the stock market. Whether that is through the purchase of single stocks, mutual funds, or retirement accounts, their idea of investing is… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: The New Year Begins
It’s already one week into the new year, people are returning from vacations, and school is starting up again. The holiday season has come to a close, but here at Invest It Wisely, there is still one active giveaway! Read on to find out more… Winners of the previous giveaways I’d like to congratulate the… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Winter Solstice Edition
The shortest day of the year (for those of you in the northern hemisphere) is almost here… and so is Christmas! Is anyone tired of the snow yet? This is actually the first Christmas I spend at home in four years (the last three were overseas), so I’m actually enjoying it so far! Posts of… [Read More]
Mid-Week Reading: Pet Peeves Edition
What are your pet peeves? I don’t think I have too many, but here are a couple that come to mind, because I find them particularly disgusting: People who spit their gum out onto drinking fountains. Why do people do this? It’s disgusting to the next user of the faucet, and there’s often a garbage… [Read More]