Welcome to the July 6, 2012 Edition #244 of the Carnival of Financial Planning, hosted at Invest It Wisely. The Carnival of Financial Planning takes a long-term view of personal financial planning for individuals and families. We focus on efficient and sustainable personal financial planning practices that can lead to lifetime financial security. This edition is… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Cold Snap Edition
The temperature will be dipping to -30C overnight (that’s -22F), which is cooooold. Winter reminds me how much more I prefer to be under the hot sun, rather than in the freezing cold. I simply don’t have the body type for the cold! Nonetheless, I am embarking on my first ski lesson, which I am… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Financial Blogger Conference Edition
This weekend the Financial Blogger Conference is happening in Chicago! Hundreds of bloggers are attending, including many Yakezie bloggers and big names such as Ramit Sethi. I did not make it, so if you were there, I’d love to hear your stories. đŸ™‚ On to weekend reading: