Apparently it’s one of the coldest winters on record for some areas of Europe and the U.S., but it actually feels pretty normal to me up here in Canada. Most days have been warmer than -10C, and although I am not a person that adores the cold, this winter almost feels warm to me, since… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Freedom Edition!
This week I celebrate freedom: 我考完试! I’ve finished my exams, and my evenings are wide open once again. I’m not completely satisfied, because I realized that I studied a bit too much of one area and not enough of another when doing the test, and our oral group completely got our asses kicked by the… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Robot Cars Edition
I suppose that everyone has already heard of Google’s automated cars that can drive themselves, with minimal human intervention? It might already be old news, but I find this very, very cool. I am amazed every time I sit in a car that I am basically in command of a dangerous 4000 pound piece of… [Read More]
Public Safety, or Public Revenue?
WARNING: The following post is a rant, and doesn’t have much to do with personal finance, except perhaps as far as public revenues figure into that! Every day when I come home from work/school, I get out of the subway, walk across a pair of streets with a park in between, and walk into my… [Read More]
Weekend Reading: Giveaway Edition
Here are the posts of the week: I ran a giveaway contest with close to $300 in prizes; check it out! I also posted on Wednesday about your income level versus your expenses: How Much of Your Paycheck Do You Need to Survive? Weekend Reading